


原创 2017-11-16 乾天坤地 海外留学联盟

听了之后,我专门量身定制了解决这个问题的意见,特别是看看世界各地的管辖区 - 乌拉圭,华盛顿州,特别是科罗拉多州 - 已经合法化了这一方案的地区。我觉得有趣的是,他们一直争论的观点,那就是期待立法会比较安全,会减少使用量,而且可以降低年轻人的使用率。但有意思的是,当我在公众场合和人们谈论此项立法的时候,他们从来不认为此项立法能带来更安全的好处。普通大众都认为,希望生活中能够没有任何骚扰地休闲娱乐,不受到大麻使用的干扰。普通大众,幕后人士的推动,与政府今天的论点有深刻的不同。

我会处理政府今天所做的论点。 “我想要玩得开心,我不在乎后果”这个论点,这不是我今天准备处理的。有一个基本的论据来回答这个问题。我今天要提出的论点是事实数据,我将特别使用一些医学科学研究报告。

我想提到的第一个研究是由法国国家高等安全和正义研究所赞助的。该研究所聘请了匹兹堡大学的精神病学教授Erika Forbes博士研究世界各地的大麻使用情况。政府提出的论点是,如果我们合法化大麻,实际上大麻使用量就会减少。我们在世界各地的司法管辖权已经很少,但是有三个:乌拉圭,华盛顿和科罗拉多。有人指出,在这三个地区的每一个地区,使用率实际上都在上升。研究表示,在华盛顿和科罗拉多州,所有年龄段和所有人口统计数据的使用率并没有统一起来;他们往往在成年人中比在年轻人中上升更多。在乌拉圭,这项研究发现,每个年龄段的人群都是全面增加大麻的使用量,而且这个年龄群体是全部测量的。

这就是我们所拥有的。随着自由主义者在加拿大进行的实验,这个实验已经在三个地区进行,在这三个时间段中,从我的角度来看,并不令人惊讶 - 事与愿违,已经带来了更高的大麻使用率。如果加拿大合法化大麻,效仿其他司法管辖区,必将带来更高的大麻使用率,加拿大人不应该对这个推算感到惊讶。

我相信这个问题在全国各地会有所不同。现在加拿大的情况是,如果我们读懂警察报告,研究逮捕率和收费标准,我们就会发现加拿大公众的大麻使用率和警方指控和检察官的起诉率在全国各地都有很大差异。有趣的是,根据我读的一项研究,在主要城市中使用率最低的地区是萨斯卡通,那里的警察也是最有可能控告人的;有最积极的执法。温哥华和哈利法克斯在这个频谱的另一端,无论是报道使用率还是收费率的年轻人。可能有不同的事情发生,但政府需要考虑这一点。在加拿大执法更加严格的地方,大麻不太可能被使用。这将符合我们从乌拉圭 - 华盛顿 - 科罗拉多研究得到的信息。因此,我希望政府看看这个,因为非常现实的情况是在加拿大的一些地方现在几乎合法化了。这就是收费率是多么的宽松。


研究指出,在2006年,科罗拉多在整个美利坚合众国是年轻人使用大麻的第14位。在2015年,这是第一。它从高于平均水平的某个地方上升到大麻被使用最多的地方。事实上,科罗拉多州现在比全国平均大麻年青人使用大麻高出55%。它在成人中找到了同样的东西。科罗拉多州的大麻使用率普遍高于美国全国平均水平124%。 可能正在看这个的人可能会认为他们会使用大麻,这不会导致他们的问题,这不是他们的压力。他们可能会认为他们的孩子不会使用它,或者他们希望他们不会使用它。不过,再看看这些统计数据。







另外一周,我在萨斯喀彻温省的一次家庭葬礼上。我的叔叔已经去世了。我正在拜访一位埃德蒙顿市警方成员的亲戚。我问他有多少埃德蒙顿市警察想要合法化大麻。他说:“我们在街上,绝对没有。”这告诉我们前线的人在想什么。 最后,如果我们要处理加拿大的毒品问题,我们必须在广泛的文化中处理这些问题,不仅在议会而且在全国各地。我们不仅需要这样做,而且还要永久性地这样做。

Mr. Brad Trost (Saskatoon—University, CPC) 联邦国会议员布莱德在国会里发表的关于C-45大麻法案的演讲原文:


Madam Speaker, I am going to enjoy getting involved in this debate, having listened today to many of the remarks that have been provided by my colleagues. I have listened with particular intent to what the Liberal members have been saying and what their underlying argument is for this legislation. The case they have been making in the House is that the legislation would lower usage, make it possible to make it safer, and provide more protection for young people, for people who are abusing, misusing, and getting involved in the marijuana drug scene.
Having listened to that, I specifically tailored my remarks to deal with it, in particular looking at the jurisdictions throughout the world—Uruguay, Washington state, and particularly Colorado—that have legalized this. I find it interesting that they have made arguments about it becoming safer, that it would be safer with the legislation, that there would be less usage, and that we would be able to bring down the usage rates by young people. It is interesting that when I am out in the general public and people talk to who want to see the legislation go through, they never talk about increased safety. They argue for wanting to be able to use their joint recreationally without any hassle. The push from the general public, the people behind the scenes, is somewhat different from the argument that the government is making today.
I will deal with the argument that the government is making today. The argument that, “I want to have my fun and I do not care about the consequences” is not one that I am prepared to deal with today. There is a basic argument for dealing with that on its own. The argument I will deal with today is with the facts, and I will be using a couple of studies in particular.
The first study I would like to refer to was sponsored by France's National Institute of Higher Security and Justice Studies. The institute hired a psychiatry professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Erika Forbes, to look into marijuana usage around the world. The argument that the government is making is that, if we legalize marijuana, we will in fact have less usage. We have very few jurisdictions around the world that have gone for complete legalization, but there are three: Uruguay, Washington, and Colorado. It has been noted that in each and every one of those three jurisdictions, usage rates actually went up. In Washington and Colorado, the study says, usage rates did not move up uniformly in all age brackets and all demographics; they tended to move up more among adults than among young people. In Uruguay, the study found complete across-the-board increased usage of marijuana by every age cohort that was measured, the whole spectrum.
This is what we have. With what the Liberals are experimenting with in Canada, the experiment has been done in three jurisdictions and in each of these three times—from my perspective, not surprisingly—we have ended up with higher usage rates of marijuana. That is what I am anticipating as we go forward. If we legalize, as the other jurisdictions have, Canadians should not be surprised if we have higher usage rates.
On the question of whether I believe that will vary across the country, absolutely. The way the situation is now in Canada, if we read police reports and study anything about arrest rates and charge rates, we see that the usage rates in the Canadian public and the rates at which police charge and prosecutors prosecute vary dramatically across the country. Interestingly enough, according to one study I read, the place in the country with the lowest use among major cities was Saskatoon, where the police are also most likely to charge people; there is the most aggressive enforcement. Vancouver and Halifax were at the other end of the spectrum, both for youth who report usage and also for charge rates. There are different things that may be at play, but the government needs to think about this. Where the law is more strictly enforced in Canada, marijuana is less likely to be used. That would fit with the information that we get from the Uruguay-Washington-Colorado studies. Therefore, I would urge the government to look at this, because the very practical reality is that in some places in Canada it is almost legalized now. That is how slack the charge rate is.
Another thing that was noted in particular in the study paid for by the French institute of higher security was that marijuana poisonings have gone up in all of these jurisdictions. That is not something any Canadian politician wants to see happen. That is a problem across the board.

As I was getting ready for this, I found a report produced in October of this year on the situation in Colorado since it legalized marijuana. This is very fresh data. This report was produced literally a few weeks ago. For any members who are interested, I will try to have this posted on my website or on my Facebook page by Monday or Tuesday of next week.
The study pointed out that in 2006, Colorado was 14th among young people for usage of marijuana in the whole United States of America. In 2015, it was number one. It went from someplace above average to high, to being the place where marijuana was most used. In fact, Colorado currently has 55% higher than the national average marijuana, cannabis usage among young people. It found the same thing among adults. Colorado has about 124% higher usage rate of marijuana in general than the national average across the United States.
People who may be watching this might be thinking that they will use marijuana, that this will not cause them a problem, that this is not a stress for them. They may think their kids will not use it, or they hope they will not use it. However, let look at these statistics again.
Marijuana-related traffic deaths, when a driver was tested positive for marijuana, doubled from 55 deaths 2013 to 125 deaths in 2016. Marijuana-related traffic deaths increased 66% in the four year average, 2013 to 2016, since Colorado legalized it. During the same period, all traffic deaths only increased 16%.
When we take out the marijuana-related traffic deaths, the roadway is as safe or getting safer. However, marijuana is making it more dangerous to drive in the state of Colorado.
Youth usage has gone up in Colorado, and it was a high-usage state already. We are not comparing someplace where there was almost no marijuana. Colorado was in the top quarter, or third, of U.S. usage among youth, and it continued to go up after the legalization.
College age usage increased 16%. College-age students usage, second in the United States usage, was in eighth position in 2005-06.
Emergency department and hospitalization marijuana admissions was up from 6,300 in 2011 to 6,700 in 2012, and to 11,400 in 2014, and was on track to blow past that number in 2015.
In literally every measure we look at it is getting worse. Colorado's health system is getting worse; its driving situation for safety is getting worse; usage by young people is getting worse; usage by adults, the entire population, is getting worse.
The government has also said that it something like what it did with tobacco. Passing this legislation is not that. In fact, we could do the same thing about making marijuana more socially unacceptable, pushing marijuana back in other ways, in the same way governments have on tobacco over the years. We can do that right now. We do not have to legalize to go in that direction. In fact, if the government dropped this bill and went in that direction, I think it would find widespread public support.
Marijuana exposure has gone up. There are still criminal issues and all sorts of problems going on in Colorado.
I want to point to two final things. The other week I was at a family funeral in Saskatchewan. My uncle had passed away. I was visiting with a relative, who is a member of the Edmonton city police force. I asked him how many Edmonton city police officers wanted to have legalized marijuana. He said , “Us guys on the streets, absolutely none.” That tells us what the people on the front lines are thinking.

Finally, if we are to deal with drug problems in Canada, we have to deal with them in a broad-based culture, not just in Parliament but across the country. We need to do this not just now, but in perpetuity.
我想提到的第一个研究是由法国国家高等安全和正义研究所赞助的。该研究所聘请了匹兹堡大学的精神病学教授Erika Forbes博士研究世界各地的大麻使用情况。政府提出的论点是,如果我们合法化大麻,实际上大麻使用量就会减少。我们在世界各地的司法管辖权已经很少,但是有三个:乌拉圭,华盛顿和科罗拉多。有人指出,在这三个地区的每一个地区,使用率实际上都在上升。研究表示,在华盛顿和科罗拉多州,所有年龄段和所有人口统计数据的使用率并没有统一起来;他们往往在成年人中比在年轻人中上升更多。在乌拉圭,这项研究发现,每个年龄段的人群都是全面增加大麻的使用量,而且这个年龄群体是全部测量的。
