City gets help trying to ticket Quebec drivers caught on red-light cameras

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The free ride enjoyed by red-light-running Quebec drivers in the City of Ottawa could soon end.

The city is receiving help in its quest to ticket owners of Quebec-plated vehicles whose drivers have been caught burning red lights at camera-monitored intersections.

The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) is working with Quebec authorities to help the city find a way to send traffic tickets to Quebec drivers.

A spokesman for the Quebec’s Société de l’assurance automobile, which maintains driver’s licence records in that province, said it contacted the CCMTA because the national organization has the technology to transmit the driver information. The two groups already have an agreement to provide information to agencies outside of Quebec.

It’s been an annoying loophole that has befuddled Ottawa City Hall since it started installing red-light cameras in 2000. The city has expanded its red-light camera program, investing millions of dollars in technology to make the roads safer, yet a large number of drivers have been granted immunity because of logistics.

An Ontario-plated vehicle blasting through a red light and caught on camera will result in a fine for the owner. The owner of a Quebec-plated vehicle caught on camera blowing the red won’t receive a ticket.

Between January 2017 and November 2017, 4,465 owners of Quebec-plated vehicles avoided fines after Ottawa red-light cameras snapped pictures of the vehicles.

The city has had legal authority in Ontario since 2013 to go after out-of-province drivers caught by red-light cameras but it needs access to Quebec’s driver information to send the tickets to vehicle owners in that province.

It sounds easy enough, but the city requires collaboration between multiple city hall departments, Quebec authorities and a joint processing centre in Toronto.

The city hasn’t solved the logistics problem yet, but the CCMTA might be the key. The non-profit organization has board members from motor vehicle agencies across Canada and co-ordinates regulatory matters.

There still isn’t a clear timeline for when Quebec motorists might be on an even playing surface with Ontario drivers.

“At this point in time, we have no date to provide as to when the system will be in place and the city can start to issue tickets to vehicles with Quebec licence plates,” according to Phil Landry, the City of Ottawa’s director of traffic services.

Landry said city council will receive updates as work progresses.

Mayor Jim Watson, who was re-elected in 2014 on a promise to add 20 more red-light cameras this term of council, has voiced his frustration over the loophole.

The city currently lists 48 red-light cameras, but it intends to have a total of 54 activated in 2018, satisfying Watson’s campaign commitment. The cameras aim to reduce T-bone collisions at busy intersections.
