Roofer who died from fall at Ottawa construction site wasn't clipped in

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The day construction worker Robert Cyr fell from a residence to his death, Michele Lavergne said he could sense the potential danger of the icy and snowy roof they were working on.

“It was a bad day, too. I didn’t want to go up,” Lavergne, a roofer, told an inquest at city hall on Tuesday about Cyr, who died on Nov. 24, 2015.

He was 47.

The inquest heard Robert Cyr was not clipped on to any safety anchors and had narcotics in his system when he fell from the slippery roof of a four-storey residential building at 2540 Innes Rd. in Gloucester.

Lavergne said he had hired Cyr to help him install a water and ice shield on the roof and planned to pay him under the table. At the time, Laverne was working for himself, but Elias Brothers Construction hired him to help with the job.

In his testimony, Lavergne said he did not ask at the time if Cyr had received any safety training on heights or falls, which is mandated by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Lavergne said he’s been working as a roofer for more than 30 years but only received the training in the last three to four years.

It was not known whether Cyr ever received training,

“You lick your wounds if you hurt yourself,” said Lavergne. “There was no safety whatsoever.”

Since Cyr’s death, Lavergne said he’s become aware of several safety protocols. For example, there are screws used to fasten anchors into the roof, which workers clip their harnesses to. He said he used to always use two-and-a-half inch screws, but has since learned the industry standard is three-inch screws.

“Everybody else just uses nails,” he said.

Rick Pugliese, the superintendent and project manager of the project where Cyr died, said every worker on the site had to submit a certificate of insurance before they could begin working. Individual employers of each trade were responsible for training their workers.

Lavergne, who brought Cyr onto the project, said they were asked on their first day to provide papers that would prove their training and insurance, but neither had them. When they said they would bring them the next day, they started late, and Pugliese never got to see any papers.

“I believed he had them,” said Pugliese of Lavergne, adding that he assumed someone working as a roofer for that long would have training.

Sam Elias of Elias Brothers Construction testified that Lavergne was a friend of his brother’s, which was how he came to hire the roofer for the job. He said he made the same assumptions Pugliese did.

“I presumed that, he’s been doing roofing for so long, he should have had it done,” said Elias.

According to Filomena Savoia, who worked at the Ministry of Labour as an inspector and provincial coordinator for construction, “the No. 1 killer” in the industry is falls. Of the 511 deaths in the workplace provincewide from 2007 to 2016, 157 were the result of falls.

She said this prompted the ministry to take measures to ensure every worker receives safety training, including tougher fines for employers that don’t comply; a new website geared toward informing small businesses about safety training and compliance; and creating an app for construction workers about their rights and duties. Some of these changes were the result of jury recommendations given at inquests such as this one.

But Richard Wyatt, the Ministry of Labour health and safety inspector on the scene that day, said that ensuring employers are following regulations is much more difficult in practice.

He said it’s especially a problem in construction, where workers are much more transient and often paid in cash, and where new construction companies start up in the spring and are gone by fall.

“It’s a nightmare — we try to keep up the best we can,” Wyatt testified. “I can’t say the words I want to say here, but it’s a shady business.”

On Wednesday, the jury will hear from the medical examiner, who will discuss her findings of narcotics in Cyr’s system. The jury will then deliberate and submit recommendations to prevent deaths in similar circumstances.
