

San Francisco Bans Facial Recognition Technology

Attendees interacting with a facial recognition demonstration at this year’s CES in Las Vegas.CreditJoe Buglewicz for The New York Times


Attendees interacting with a facial recognition demonstration at this year’s CES in Las Vegas.CreditCreditJoe Buglewicz for The New York Times

By Kate Conger, Richard Fausset and Serge F. Kovaleski

  • May 14, 2019
SAN FRANCISCO — San Francisco, long at the heart of the technology revolution, took a stand against potential abuse on Tuesday by banning the use of facial recognition software by the police and other agencies.

The action, which came in an 8-to-1 vote by the Board of Supervisors, makes San Francisco the first major American city to block a tool that many police forces are turning to in the search for both small-time criminal suspects and perpetrators of mass carnage.

The authorities used the technology to help identify the suspect in the mass shooting at an Annapolis, Md., newspaper last June. But civil liberty groups have expressed unease about the technology’s potential abuse by government amid fears that it may shove the United States in the direction of an overly oppressive surveillance state.

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But critics said that rather than focusing on bans, the city should find ways to craft regulations that acknowledge the usefulness of face recognition. “It is ridiculous to deny the value of this technology in securing airports and border installations,” said Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law expert at George Washington University. “It is hard to deny that there is a public safety value to this technology.”

There will be an obligatory second vote next week, but it is seen as a formality.

Similar bans are under consideration in Oakland and in Somerville, Mass., outside of Boston. In Massachusetts, a bill in the State Legislature would put a moratorium on facial recognition and other remote biometric surveillance systems. On Capitol Hill, a billintroduced last month would ban users of commercial face recognition technology from collecting and sharing data for identifying or tracking consumers without their consent, although it does not address the government’s uses of the technology.

Matt Cagle, a lawyer with the A.C.L.U. of Northern California, on Tuesday summed up the broad concerns of facial recognition: The technology, he said, “provides government with unprecedented power to track people going about their daily lives. That’s incompatible with a healthy democracy.”

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The San Francisco proposal, he added, “is really forward-looking and looks to prevent the unleashing of this dangerous technology against the public.”

In one form or another, facial recognition is already being used in many American airports and big stadiums, and by a number of other police departments. The pop star Taylor Swift has reportedly incorporated the technology at one of her shows, using it to help identify stalkers.

The facial recognition fight in San Francisco is largely theoretical — the police department does not currently deploy such technology, and it is only in use at the international airport and ports that are under federal jurisdiction and are not impacted by the legislation.

Some local homeless shelters use biometric finger scans and photos to track shelter usage, said Jennifer Friedenbach, the executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness. The practice has driven undocumented residents away from the shelters, she said.

Still, it has been a particularly charged topic in a city with a rich history of incubating dissent and individual liberties, but one that has also suffered lately from high rates of property crime.

The ban prohibits city agencies from using facial recognition technology, or information gleaned from external systems that use the technology. It is part of a larger legislative package devised to govern the use of surveillance technologies in the city that requires local agencies to create policies controlling their use of these tools. There are some exemptions, including one that would give prosecutors a way out if the transparency requirements might interfere with their investigations.

Still, the San Francisco Police Officers Association, an officers’ union, said the ban would hinder their members’ efforts to investigate crime.

to keep close tabs on the Uighurs, a largely Muslim minority, and is being integrated into a national digital panopticon system powered by roughly 200 million surveillance cameras.

American civil liberties advocates warn that the ability of facial surveillance to identify people at a distance, or online, without their knowledge or consent presents unique risks — threatening Americans’ ability to freely attend political protests or simply go about their business anonymously in public. Last year, Bradford L. Smith, the president of Microsoft, warned that the technology was too risky for companies to police on their own and asked Congress to oversee its use.

The battle over the technology intensified last year after two researchers published a study showing bias in some of the most popular facial surveillance systems. Called Gender Shades, the study reported that systems from IBM and Microsoft were much better at identifying the gender of white men’s faces than they were at identifying the gender of darker-skinned or female faces.

Another study this year reported similar problems with Amazon’s technology, called Rekognition. Microsoft and IBM have since said they improved their systems, while Amazon has said it updated its system since the researchers tested it and had found no differences in accuracy.

Warning that African-Americans, women and others could easily be incorrectly identified as suspects and wrongly arrested, the American Civil Liberties Union and other nonprofit groups last year called on Amazon to stop selling its technology to law enforcement.

But even with improvements in accuracy, civil rights advocates and researchers warn that, in the absence of government oversight, the technology could easily be misused to surveil immigrants or unfairly target African-Americans or low-income neighborhoods. In a recent essay, Luke Stark, a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research Montreal, described facial surveillance as “the plutonium of artificial intelligence,” arguing that it should be “recognized as anathema to the health of human society, and heavily restricted as a result.”

other forms of electronic surveillance.

But proponents of the bans say they are an effort to hit the pause button and study the matter before harm is done. The proposed ban in Somerville, the Boston suburb, was sponsored by a councilor, Ben Ewen-Campen. “The government and the public don’t have a handle on what the technology is and what it will become,” he said on Tuesday.

Next door in Boston, Ed Davis, the former police commissioner, said it was “premature to be banning things.” Mr. Davis, who led the department during the Boston Marathon attack, said that no one in the United States wanted to follow the Chinese model.

But he also sees the potential. “This technology is still developing,” he said, “and as it improves, this could be the answer to a lot of problems we have about securing our communities.”

Joel Engardio, the vice president of Stop Crime SF, said that he agreed that current facial recognition technologies were flawed, but said that the city should not prohibit their use in the future, if they were improved.

“Instead of an outright ban, why not a moratorium?” Mr. Engardio asked. “Let’s keep the door open for when the technology improves. I’m not a fan of banning things when eventually it could actually be helpful.”

United Nations report: SF homeless problem is 'violation of human rights'
By Amy Graff, SFGATE

  • 920x920.jpg
Photo: Courtesy Leilani Farah
Leilani Farha, the United Nations special rapporteur on adequate housing, on tour of Oakland, Calif., in January 2017.

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A United Nations expert on housing is calling the Bay Area's treatment of the homeless "cruel and inhuman" in a special report released in October.

Leilani Farha, 49, a special rapporteur on adequate housing for the intergovernmental organization, visited San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley in January 2017 as part of a world tour of encampments that included stops in Belgrade, Buenos Aires, Delhi, Lisbon, Mexico City, Mumbai and Santiago.

Now, Farha has summarized her findings in a report titled "On Adequate Housing as a Component of the Right to an Adequate Standard of Living," and it she includes one paragraph with an assessment of the informal tent encampments homeless people in the Bay Area are creating:

Attempting to discourage residents from remaining in informal settlements or encampments by denying access to water, sanitation, and health services and other basic necessities, as has been witnessed by the Special Rapporteur in San Francisco and Oakland constitutes cruel and inhuman treatment and is a violation of multiple human rights, including the rights to life, housing, health and water and sanitation.

[...] The right to a secure home is a universal right under international human rights law. Lack of security of tenure can never justify forced evictions of those residing in informal settlements.

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During her January visit, Farha told SFGATE she spoke with about 50 people living on the street and said she "can't help but be completely shocked"

"Every single person, whether it was in passing or in a long conversation, said they just want to be treated like a human being," said Farha, who is a lawyer by training and lives in Canada. "What does that say? That is bleak.

"If I could add, the other thing that just struck me ... but I'm sorry, California is a rich state, by any measures, the United States is a rich country, and to see these deplorable conditions that the government is allowing, by international human rights standards, it's unacceptable. I'm guided by human rights law."

In San Francisco, about 7,500 people are homeless according to the last count, but this number is elusive and some believe the number is between 10,000 and 12,000. San Francisco has doubled the money it spends annually on homelessness to more than $300 million. The city's first unified Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing was officially launched in August 2016 and has since opened four new Navigation Centers—one-stop counseling-intensive shelters aimed at moving people into permanent housing — bringing more than 1,500 highly vulnerable people off the streets.

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Farha told SFGATE she was struck by the difference in the way governments view "informal settlements" in the United States versus countries like India global south.

"The struggle in the south is to legalize and regularize encampments," she said. "Here, the struggle is simply to be able to create an encampment. In the south, there's sort of a blind eye that has turned. Once an informal settlement is created, it's established. Whereas here, they can't create them."

In the Bay Area, Farha talked to many people who were temporarily living in an encampment before they were ordered to move by city officials during a "tent sweep."

"It's damaging because they always have to move," she says. "They're treated like nonentities. Sometimes they say (belongings are) put in storage, but more often they'll dump everyone's possessions into one Dumpster. It's horrible. It's not dignified. The people have nowhere to go. It's illogical. It's tragic."

Farha points out that one of the myths of homelessness is that drug users end up on the street, but she says in her experience people thrown into homelessness turn to drugs as a way to cope and assuage the pain.

"Most people on the streets are living with some sort of 'structural trauma,' meaning they have lost their job, can't afford housing, been evicted by a landlord," she said."The structural trauma causes deeply personal effects that can lead to living on the street that triggers drug use."