研发mRNA疫苗首功之一,匈牙利裔生物化学科学家Katalin Karikó




  • article-5fc631cb73666.jpeg
    圖片來源:Katalin Karikó Twitter
  • 編譯 田孟心 2020-12-01

今年65歲的卡里科出生於匈牙利,原先在南匈牙利的賽格德生物研究中心做mRNA(Messenger RNA,信使核糖核酸)研究,30歲時,因為研究沒有進展而被解聘。










固執的她撐了下來,坐在最低階的學術階梯上。等待換來的是知音與伯樂,1998年,有次在影印機遇見從國家衛生院轉來賓大的學者威思曼(Drew Weissman),對她的mRNA志業很感興趣,兩人就這樣展開共同研究。





Moderna創辦人加拿大生物學家羅西(Derrick Rossi)就是一例,他對這份研究感到驚為天人,其2010創辦的公司Moderna就是 Modify RNA的縮寫。









資料來源:STAT, Telegraph, The Guardian, Hungarian Spectrum

She was demoted, doubted and rejected. Now, her work is the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine​

她和同事美国免疫学家 Dr. Drew Weissman的科研成果,奠定了这次快速成功的mRNA疫苗的基础。

她2006-2013年合作创建RNARx, 并担任CEO,2013年之后当任BioNTech Vice President, 并且担任美国宾州大学客座教授。


Katalin Karikó​

Katalin Karikó (Hungarian: Karikó Katalin, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈkɒrikoː ˌkɒtɒlin]; born 17 January 1955) is a Hungarianbiochemist who specializes in RNA-mediated mechanisms. Her research has been the development of in vitro-transcribed mRNA for protein therapies. She co-founded and was CEO of RNARx from 2006–2013.[1]Since 2013 she has been a senior vice president at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals.[2] She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania.[1]
Acuitas Therapeutics 和 Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (Inex 改名) 也是持有 mRNA 疫苗部分专利的加拿大公司。

Novel mRNA vaccine IP: Some Canadian connection

Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are probably on track to obtain broad IP protection for their specific synthetic mRNA constructs and use of their vaccines. However, the mRNA vaccine patent landscape is likely to involve multiple layers and multiple players, as development of the foundational enabling technology began years ago.

For example, Vancouver-based Acuitas Therapeutics licensed its lipid nanoparticle delivery system in the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The lipid nanoparticle system enables reliable delivery of the synthetic mRNA construct(s) to the interior of target cells. The lipid nanoparticle system stems from research pioneered by Dr. Pieter Cullis and colleagues at the University of British Columbia.

Another company that holds rights that are potentially relevant to the mRNA vaccine arena is Arbutus Biopharma Corp., a Canadian biopharmaceutical company with expertise in liposomal drug delivery and RNA interference. Moderna previously licensed lipid nanoparticle technology held by Arbutus through Acuitas, and more recently, Moderna has been tied up in some administrative proceedings in the U.S. in which it has challenged Arbutus’ patents. While there is no litigation between the two and no allegation that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine infringes Arbutus’ patent rights, at the very least in the early days of its development, Moderna also looked to Canadian technology to enable the delivery of mRNA vaccines.


  • article-5fc631cb73666.jpeg
    圖片來源:Katalin Karikó Twitter
  • 編譯 田孟心 2020-12-01

今年65歲的卡里科出生於匈牙利,原先在南匈牙利的賽格德生物研究中心做mRNA(Messenger RNA,信使核糖核酸)研究,30歲時,因為研究沒有進展而被解聘。








固執的她撐了下來,坐在最低階的學術階梯上。等待換來的是知音與伯樂,1998年,有次在影印機遇見從國家衛生院轉來賓大的學者威思曼(Drew Weissman),對她的mRNA志業很感興趣,兩人就這樣展開共同研究。





Moderna創辦人加拿大生物學家羅西(Derrick Rossi)就是一例,他對這份研究感到驚為天人,其2010創辦的公司Moderna就是 Modify RNA的縮寫。








資料來源:STAT, Telegraph, The Guardian, Hungarian Spectrum

She was demoted, doubted and rejected. Now, her work is the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine​

她和同事美国免疫学家 Dr. Drew Weissman的科研成果,奠定了这次快速成功的mRNA疫苗的基础。

她2006-2013年合作创建RNARx, 并担任CEO,2013年之后当任BioNTech Vice President, 并且担任美国宾州大学客座教授。


Katalin Karikó​

Katalin Karikó (Hungarian: Karikó Katalin, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈkɒrikoː ˌkɒtɒlin]; born 17 January 1955) is a Hungarianbiochemist who specializes in RNA-mediated mechanisms. Her research has been the development of in vitro-transcribed mRNA for protein therapies. She co-founded and was CEO of RNARx from 2006–2013.[1]Since 2013 she has been a senior vice president at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals.[2] She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania.[1]

Moderna's groundbreaking coronavirus vaccine was designed in just 2 days​



  • article-5fc631cb73666.jpeg
    圖片來源:Katalin Karikó Twitter
  • 編譯 田孟心 2020-12-01

今年65歲的卡里科出生於匈牙利,原先在南匈牙利的賽格德生物研究中心做mRNA(Messenger RNA,信使核糖核酸)研究,30歲時,因為研究沒有進展而被解聘。









固執的她撐了下來,坐在最低階的學術階梯上。等待換來的是知音與伯樂,1998年,有次在影印機遇見從國家衛生院轉來賓大的學者威思曼(Drew Weissman),對她的mRNA志業很感興趣,兩人就這樣展開共同研究。





Moderna創辦人加拿大生物學家羅西(Derrick Rossi)就是一例,他對這份研究感到驚為天人,其2010創辦的公司Moderna就是 Modify RNA的縮寫。









資料來源:STAT, Telegraph, The Guardian, Hungarian Spectrum

She was demoted, doubted and rejected. Now, her work is the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine​

她和同事美国免疫学家 Dr. Drew Weissman的科研成果,奠定了这次快速成功的mRNA疫苗的基础。

她2006-2013年合作创建RNARx, 并担任CEO,2013年之后当任BioNTech Vice President, 并且担任美国宾州大学客座教授。


Katalin Karikó​

Katalin Karikó (Hungarian: Karikó Katalin, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈkɒrikoː ˌkɒtɒlin]; born 17 January 1955) is a Hungarianbiochemist who specializes in RNA-mediated mechanisms. Her research has been the development of in vitro-transcribed mRNA for protein therapies. She co-founded and was CEO of RNARx from 2006–2013.[1]Since 2013 she has been a senior vice president at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals.[2] She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania.[1]
Acuitas Therapeutics 和 Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (Inex 改名) 也是持有 mRNA 疫苗部分专利的加拿大公司。

Novel mRNA vaccine IP: Some Canadian connection

Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are probably on track to obtain broad IP protection for their specific synthetic mRNA constructs and use of their vaccines. However, the mRNA vaccine patent landscape is likely to involve multiple layers and multiple players, as development of the foundational enabling technology began years ago.

For example, Vancouver-based Acuitas Therapeutics licensed its lipid nanoparticle delivery system in the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The lipid nanoparticle system enables reliable delivery of the synthetic mRNA construct(s) to the interior of target cells. The lipid nanoparticle system stems from research pioneered by Dr. Pieter Cullis and colleagues at the University of British Columbia.

Another company that holds rights that are potentially relevant to the mRNA vaccine arena is Arbutus Biopharma Corp., a Canadian biopharmaceutical company with expertise in liposomal drug delivery and RNA interference. Moderna previously licensed lipid nanoparticle technology held by Arbutus through Acuitas, and more recently, Moderna has been tied up in some administrative proceedings in the U.S. in which it has challenged Arbutus’ patents. While there is no litigation between the two and no allegation that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine infringes Arbutus’ patent rights, at the very least in the early days of its development, Moderna also looked to Canadian technology to enable the delivery of mRNA vaccines.
加拿大的小型生技企业拥有 mRNA 疫苗的部分技术专利是包裹 mRNA 的 lipid nanoparticle system (使得 mRNA 不被快速分解消耗),无奈受两个因素制约没能在加拿大推出 mRNA 疫苗:一、加拿大全产业链的工业能力不足,仅拥有部分专利还不足以形成完整的生产 mRNA 疫苗的能力;二、长期以来,加拿大相比美国对于生技创投的热情远远不足。这本该是个比炒房地产更有意义的产业。



  • article-5fc631cb73666.jpeg
    圖片來源:Katalin Karikó Twitter
  • 編譯 田孟心 2020-12-01

今年65歲的卡里科出生於匈牙利,原先在南匈牙利的賽格德生物研究中心做mRNA(Messenger RNA,信使核糖核酸)研究,30歲時,因為研究沒有進展而被解聘。









固執的她撐了下來,坐在最低階的學術階梯上。等待換來的是知音與伯樂,1998年,有次在影印機遇見從國家衛生院轉來賓大的學者威思曼(Drew Weissman),對她的mRNA志業很感興趣,兩人就這樣展開共同研究。





Moderna創辦人加拿大生物學家羅西(Derrick Rossi)就是一例,他對這份研究感到驚為天人,其2010創辦的公司Moderna就是 Modify RNA的縮寫。









資料來源:STAT, Telegraph, The Guardian, Hungarian Spectrum

She was demoted, doubted and rejected. Now, her work is the basis of the Covid-19 vaccine​

她和同事美国免疫学家 Dr. Drew Weissman的科研成果,奠定了这次快速成功的mRNA疫苗的基础。

她2006-2013年合作创建RNARx, 并担任CEO,2013年之后当任BioNTech Vice President, 并且担任美国宾州大学客座教授。


Katalin Karikó​

Katalin Karikó (Hungarian: Karikó Katalin, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈkɒrikoː ˌkɒtɒlin]; born 17 January 1955) is a Hungarianbiochemist who specializes in RNA-mediated mechanisms. Her research has been the development of in vitro-transcribed mRNA for protein therapies. She co-founded and was CEO of RNARx from 2006–2013.[1]Since 2013 she has been a senior vice president at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals.[2] She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania.[1]

按照此文的观点,moderna 是由加拿大人干细胞生物学家罗西与其他两人共同创建的,如果现在能和加拿大扯上点关系,疫苗紧缺状况就会大为缓解。

In 2010 Rossi founded biotech firm Moderna to exploit his discovery of the ability to transform and reprogramme pluripotent stem cells, along with Kenneth R. Chien and Robert Langer.
加拿大的小型生技企业拥有 mRNA 疫苗的部分技术专利是包裹 mRNA 的 lipid nanoparticle system (使得 mRNA 不被快速分解消耗),无奈受两个因素制约没能在加拿大推出 mRNA 疫苗:一、加拿大全产业链的工业能力不足,仅拥有部分专利还不足以形成完整的生产 mRNA 疫苗的能力;二、长期以来,加拿大相比美国对于生技创投的热情远远不足。这本该是个比炒房地产更有意义的产业。




Kati Kariko Helped Shield the World From the Coronavirus​

Collaborating with devoted colleagues, Dr. Kariko laid the groundwork for the mRNA vaccines turning the tide of the pandemic.


Katalin Kariko at her home in Jenkintown, Pa., in February. Dr. Kariko’s early research into mRNA eventually led to development of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.Credit...Hannah Yoon

By Gina Kolata
Published April 8, 2021Updated April 12, 2021

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She grew up in Hungary, daughter of a butcher. She decided she wanted to be a scientist, although she had never met one. She moved to the United States in her 20s, but for decades never found a permanent position, instead clinging to the fringes of academia.

Now Katalin Kariko, 66, known to colleagues as Kati, has emerged as one of the heroes of Covid-19 vaccine development. Her work, with her close collaborator, Dr. Drew Weissman of the University of Pennsylvania, laid the foundation for the stunningly successful vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

For her entire career, Dr. Kariko has focused on messenger RNA, or mRNA — the genetic script that carries DNA instructions to each cell’s protein-making machinery. She was convinced mRNA could be used to instruct cells to make their own medicines, including vaccines.

But for many years her career at the University of Pennsylvania was fragile. She migrated from lab to lab, relying on one senior scientist after another to take her in. She never made more than $60,000 a year.

By all accounts intense and single-minded, Dr. Kariko lives for “the bench” — the spot in the lab where she works. She cares little for fame. “The bench is there, the science is good,” she shrugged in a recent interview. “Who cares?”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and infectious Diseases, knows Dr. Kariko’s work. “She was, in a positive sense, kind of obsessed with the concept of messenger RNA,” he said.

Dr. Kariko’s struggles to stay afloat in academia have a familiar ring to scientists. She needed grants to pursue ideas that seemed wild and fanciful. She did not get them, even as more mundane research was rewarded.

“When your idea is against the conventional wisdom that makes sense to the star chamber, it is very hard to break out,” said Dr. David Langer, a neurosurgeon who has worked with Dr. Kariko.

Dr. Kariko’s ideas about mRNA were definitely unorthodox. Increasingly, they also seem to have been prescient.

“It’s going to be transforming,” Dr. Fauci said of mRNA research. “It is already transforming for Covid-19, but also for other vaccines. H.I.V. — people in the field are already excited. Influenza, malaria.”

‘I Felt Like a God’​

For Dr. Kariko, most every day was a day in the lab. “You are not going to work — you are going to have fun,” her husband, Bela Francia, manager of an apartment complex, used to tell her as she dashed back to the office on evenings and weekends. He once calculated that her endless workdays meant she was earning about a dollar an hour.

For many scientists, a new discovery is followed by a plan to make money, to form a company and get a patent. But not for Dr. Kariko. “That’s the furthest thing from Kate’s mind,” Dr. Langer said.

She grew up in the small Hungarian town of Kisujszallas. She earned a Ph.D. at the University of Szeged and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at its Biological Research Center.

In 1985, when the university’s research program ran out of money, Dr. Kariko, her husband, and 2-year-old daughter, Susan, moved to Philadelphia for a job as a postdoctoral student at Temple University. Because the Hungarian government only allowed them to take $100 out of the country, she and her husband sewed £900 (roughly $1,246 today) into Susan’s teddy bear. (Susan grew up to be a two-time Olympic gold medal winner in rowing.)

When Dr. Kariko started, it was early days in the mRNA field. Even the most basic tasks were difficult, if not impossible. How do you make RNA molecules in a lab? How do you get mRNA into cells of the body?

How the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Works
In 1989, she landed a job with Dr. Elliot Barnathan, then a cardiologist at the University of Pennsylvania. It was a low-level position, research assistant professor, and never meant to lead to a permanent tenured position. She was supposed to be supported by grant money, but none came in.

She and Dr. Barnathan planned to insert mRNA into cells, inducing them to make new proteins. In one of the first experiments, they hoped to use the strategy to instruct cells to make a protein called the urokinase receptor. If the experiment worked, they would detect the new protein with a radioactive molecule that would be drawn to the receptor.

“Most people laughed at us,” Dr. Barnathan said.

One fateful day, the two scientists hovered over a dot-matrix printer in a narrow room at the end of a long hall. A gamma counter, needed to track the radioactive molecule, was attached to a printer. It began to spew data.

Their detector had found new proteins produced by cells that were never supposed to make them — suggesting that mRNA could be used to direct any cell to make any protein, at will.

“I felt like a god,” Dr. Kariko recalled.


Dr. Kariko and her family in 1985.Credit...via Kati Kariko

She and Dr. Barnathan were on fire with ideas. Maybe they could use mRNA to improve blood vessels for heart bypass surgery. Perhaps they could even use the procedure to extend the life span of human cells.

Dr. Barnathan, though, soon left the university, accepting a position at a biotech firm, and Dr. Kariko was left without a lab or financial support. She could stay at Penn only if she found another lab to take her on. “They expected I would quit,” she said.

Universities only support low-level Ph.D.s for a limited amount of time, Dr. Langer said: “If they don’t get a grant, they will let them go.” Dr. Kariko “was not a great grant writer,” and at that point “mRNA was more of an idea,” he said.

But Dr. Langer knew Dr. Kariko from his days as a medical resident, when he had worked in Dr. Barnathan’s lab. Dr. Langer urged the head of the neurosurgery department to give Dr. Kariko’s research a chance. “He saved me,” she said.

Dr. Langer thinks it was Dr. Kariko who saved him — from the kind of thinking that dooms so many scientists.

Working with her, he realized that one key to real scientific understanding is to design experiments that always tell you something, even if it is something you don’t want to hear. The crucial data often come from the control, he learned — the part of the experiment that involves a dummy substance for comparison.

“There’s a tendency when scientists are looking at data to try to validate their own idea,” Dr. Langer said. “The best scientists try to prove themselves wrong. Kate’s genius was a willingness to accept failure and keep trying, and her ability to answer questions people were not smart enough to ask.”

Dr. Langer hoped to use mRNA to treat patients who developed blood clots following brain surgery, often resulting in strokes. His idea was to get cells in blood vessels to make nitric oxide, a substance that dilates blood vessels, but has a half-life of milliseconds. Doctors can’t just inject patients with it.

He and Dr. Kariko tried their mRNA on isolated blood vessels used to study strokes. It failed. They trudged through snow in Buffalo, N.Y., to try it in a laboratory with rabbits prone to strokes. Failure again.

And then Dr. Langer left the university, and the department chairman said he was leaving as well. Dr. Kariko again was without a lab and without funds for research.

A meeting at a photocopying machine changed that. Dr. Weissman happened by, and she struck up a conversation. “I said, ‘I am an RNA scientist — I can make anything with mRNA,’” Dr. Kariko recalled.

Dr. Weissman told her he wanted to make a vaccine against H.I.V. “I said, ‘Yeah, yeah, I can do it,’” Dr. Kariko said.

Despite her bravado, her research on mRNA had stalled. She could make mRNA molecules that instructed cells in petri dishes to make the protein of her choice. But the mRNA did not work in living mice.
“Nobody knew why,” Dr. Weissman said. “All we knew was that the mice got sick. Their fur got ruffled, they hunched up, they stopped eating, they stopped running.”

It turned out that the immune system recognizes invading microbes by detecting their mRNA and responding with inflammation. The scientists’ mRNA injections looked to the immune system like an invasion of pathogens.

But with that answer came another puzzle. Every cell in every person’s body makes mRNA, and the immune system turns a blind eye. “Why is the mRNA I made different?” Dr. Kariko wondered.

A control in an experiment finally provided a clue. Dr. Kariko and Dr. Weissman noticed their mRNA caused an immune overreaction. But the control molecules, another form of RNA in the human body — so-called transfer RNA, or tRNA — did not.

A molecule called pseudouridine in tRNA allowed it to evade the immune response. As it turned out, naturally occurring human mRNA also contains the molecule.

Added to the mRNA made by Dr. Kariko and Dr. Weissman, the molecule did the same — and also made the mRNA much more powerful, directing the synthesis of 10 times as much protein in each cell.

The idea that adding pseudouridine to mRNA protected it from the body’s immune system was a basic scientific discovery with a wide range of thrilling applications. It meant that mRNA could be used to alter the functions of cells without prompting an immune system attack.

“We both started writing grants,” Dr. Weissman said. “We didn’t get most of them. People were not interested in mRNA. The people who reviewed the grants said mRNA will not be a good therapeutic, so don’t bother.’”

Leading scientific journals rejected their work. When the research finally was published, in Immunity, it got little attention.

Dr. Weissman and Dr. Kariko then showed they could induce an animal — a monkey — to make a protein they had selected. In this case, they injected monkeys with mRNA for erythropoietin, a protein that stimulates the body to make red blood cells. The animals’ red blood cell counts soared.

The scientists thought the same method could be used to prompt the body to make any protein drug, like insulin or other hormones or some of the new diabetes drugs. Crucially, mRNA also could be used to make vaccines unlike any seen before.

Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into the body, doctors could inject mRNA that would instruct cells to briefly make that part of the virus.

“We talked to pharmaceutical companies and venture capitalists. No one cared,” Dr. Weissman said. “We were screaming a lot, but no one would listen.”
Eventually, though, two biotech companies took notice of the work: Moderna, in the United States, and BioNTech, in Germany. Pfizer partnered with BioNTech, and the two now help fund Dr. Weissman’s lab.

‘Oh, It Works’​

Soon clinical trials of an mRNA flu vaccine were underway, and there were efforts to build new vaccines against cytomegalovirus and the Zika virus, among others. Then came the coronavirus.

Researchers had known for 20 years that the crucial feature of any coronavirus is the spike protein sitting on its surface, which allows the virus to inject itself into human cells. It was a fat target for an mRNA vaccine.

Chinese scientists posted the genetic sequence of the virus ravaging Wuhan in January 2020, and researchers everywhere went to work. BioNTech designed its mRNA vaccine in hours; Moderna designed its in two days.

The idea for both vaccines was to introduce mRNA into the body that would briefly instruct human cells to produce the coronavirus’s spike protein. The immune system would see the protein, recognize it as alien, and learn to attack the coronavirus if it ever appeared in the body.

The vaccines, though, needed a lipid bubble to encase the mRNA and carry it to the cells that it would enter. The vehicle came quickly, based on 25 years of work by multiple scientists, including Pieter Cullis of the University of British Columbia.

Scientists also needed to isolate the virus’s spike protein from the bounty of genetic data provided by Chinese researchers. Dr. Barney Graham, of the National Institutes of Health, and Jason McClellan, of the University of Texas at Austin, solved that problem in short order.

Testing the quickly designed vaccines required a monumental effort by companies and the National Institutes of Health. But Dr. Kariko had no doubts.

On Nov. 8, the first results of the Pfizer-BioNTech study came in, showing that the mRNA vaccine offered powerful immunity to the new virus. Dr. Kariko turned to her husband. “Oh, it works,” she said. “I thought so.”

To celebrate, she ate an entire box of Goobers chocolate-covered peanuts. By herself.

Dr. Weissman celebrated with his family, ordering takeout dinner from an Italian restaurant, “with wine,” he said. Deep down, he was awed.

“My dream was always that we develop something in the lab that helps people,” Dr. Weissman said. “I’ve satisfied my life’s dream.”

Dr. Kariko and Dr. Weissman were vaccinated on Dec. 18 at the University of Pennsylvania. Their inoculations turned into a press event, and as the cameras flashed, she began to feel uncharacteristically overwhelmed.

A senior administrator told the doctors and nurses rolling up their sleeves for shots that the scientists whose research made the vaccine possible were present, and they all clapped. Dr. Kariko wept.

Things could have gone so differently, for the scientists and for the world, Dr. Langer said. “There are probably many people like her who failed,” he said.
