Planning and Housing Committee approves Official Plan implementation for 2023

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Today, the Planning and Housing Committee received the Official Plan’s 2023 implementation plan. It will focus on three areas including support for the Official Plan through a series of reports on various amendments, completing existing secondary plan projects and planning for future neighbourhoods.

Staff anticipate three separate reports this year. The first will focus on minor amendments to text and schedules. The second report will address more substantive errors and omissions to the plan as well as any changes necessary due to Bill 23 and made by the Province. The last report will deal with necessary amendments to secondary plans to correct oversights and errors.

Work will be completed on existing secondary plans including for Lincoln Fields, Pinecrest Queensway and Riverside South and Confederation Heights. Staff will also begin planning for future neighbourhoods with lands added to the urban boundary during the Official Plan process.

The Committee recommended establishing a Councillors Sponsor Group for the 2024 Development Charge By-law and Community Benefits Charge By-law update. The current Development Charges By-law expires in May 2024 and a new by-law must be approved before this date. The City will also explore options regarding components of the Community Benefits Charge By-law. The sponsor group will work with staff to provide input into the review process and act as a sounding board. The proposed membership is two urban and two suburban Councillors and one representing a rural ward, as well as the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development and other City staff as needed.

The Committee referred a by-law amendment for 360 Kennedy Lane East back to Planning and Housing Committee to further address local parking concerns. The planned development proposed a total of 81 dwelling units in eight buildings and preserving the Queenswood United Church. A total of 85 vehicle parking spaces were proposed, 61 for residents, 15 for visitors, and nine for the church. Staff will work with the proponent to address outstanding traffic and parking concern. The proposal itself aligns with the Official Plan and is a great example of intensification in the suburbs. It would provide an adequate supply and diversity of housing options and is close to transit.

Items from today’s meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, March 8.

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