Business services for entrepreneurs and new business owners

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Supporting new businesses and keeping our by-laws current

This feature story is part of the City of Ottawa Service Reviews: an initiative aimed at ensuring our services are meeting your needs. Visit today.

Ottawa is filled with incredible local businesses that serve you – and that maybe even employ you!

We know that these businesses are what helps our community thrive, both economically, socially and culturally. So as Ottawa’s economy evolves, we’re taking steps towards a future where doing business in Ottawa is seamless and barrier-free.

A rooftop view of the Byward Market at night.

Supporting residents and businesses

There are multiple services to help support entrepreneurs through the process of owning a business. Teams within By-law and Regulatory Services educate residents and businesses on the regulations. Programs and services like the Business Ambassador Program and Business Licensing Centre are examples of these supports in action.

Business Ambassador Program

The Business Ambassador Program (BAP) assists business owners when they are starting to plan for and open a new food establishment, such as a restaurant, bakery, café, butcher shop or food truck.

The BAP pairs business owners with a Business Information Officer (BIO), who acts as a dedicated “case manager” throughout the business licensing process. The BIO serves as the business owner’s single point of contact with the City, helping business owners better understand the process and successfully open their food establishment.

Specifically, the BIO helps business owners:

  • Apply for applicable licences and permits, with follow-ups as required.
  • Outline time and costs estimates.
  • Create a personalized roadmap for the new food establishment.
  • Provide supporting information, documentation and checklists.
  • Connect with the proper City departments throughout the process.
  • Help solve any issues that may come up during the process.

Visit the Business Ambassador page on for more information about this program. Or, business owners can book an appointment with a Business Information Officer to further discuss their new food establishment.

The Business Licensing Centre

The in-person Business Licensing Centre located at 735 Industrial Avenue is ready to help a variety of businesses navigate each step of the licensing processes. Here, customer service representatives familiar with the City’s by-laws will help business owners:

  • Learn more about the City’s Licensing By-law and other by-laws that may relate to the business.
  • Receive information about the City’s business licensing processes, fees, timelines, renewals and other details.
  • Submit a completed application form and process the fees for a City of Ottawa business licence.
  • Coordinate any inspections and approvals, if required for that specific business licence, and advise you of the status.
  • Find out if an additional business licence from the provincial or federal government is required – you can also look this information up for free using BizPaL.

A By-law Service Assistant behind the desk at the  Business Licensing Centre.

More information about how to apply for a business license, which businesses require a license, and more is available on General business licensing services, such as submitting an application form, are also offered at several City of Ottawa Client Service Centres.

Keeping by-laws current

Implementing by-laws is also an important role of the team, however we know times change and the needs of both the business and the local community change with them. To ensure our by-laws keep pace with our growing economy, the City regularly reviews and updates them to reflect this growth and address any changes in legislation, reflect emerging issues and community requirements, and encompass evolving technologies.

At the City of Ottawa, the Public Policy Development Team within the Emergency and Protective Services Department and by-law reviewers in the City’s other departments lead this enormous undertaking through the By-law Review Process. But they can’t do it alone – watch the video below to learn how resident and business participation is a critical part of the process.

Transcript for the "Understanding the City’s by-law review process" video
Upbeat music plays. B-roll of Ottawa.
Title “Understanding the City’s by-law review process” displays on screen. Upbeat music ends as title fades.
Ashley Cheslock appears on the screen with her name and job title in the lower corner of the screen.
Ashley: I’m sometimes asked – what exactly is a by-law? Simply put, by-laws are the local laws established by a municipality to regulate the variety of activities occurring within that city. In fact, the “by” in “by-law” comes from the old Norse word for “town” – so, at its root, a by-law is a town law.
B-roll of Ottawa relating to the by-law examples described in the next line.
Ashley: The City of Ottawa’s by-laws regulate many different types of activities, such as granting business licenses, ensuring our communities are safe and clean, and setting standards for noise in the community. Each new term of City Council, the Public Policy Development Team at the City of Ottawa works with employees in departments across the City to either develop new by-laws or review and update existing ones based on the Council approved by-law review framework.
Fiona Mitchell appears on the screen with her name and job title in the lower corner of the screen.
Fiona: There are many possible reasons to review and update a by-law, from changes in Provincial or Federal legislation to new enforcement approaches, and general updating requirements. Similarly, new by-laws may need to be developed to address gaps in regulations or emerging issues in the community that need regulations. Let’s take a closer look at what a by-law review involves and how important feedback from Ottawa’s residents and businesses is to this review work.
Flow chart of the six phases in the by-law review process displays with an “unlit” effect: Scoping, Research and Analysis, Engagement, By-law development and reporting, City Council / committee approval, By-law implementation. As each step is mentioned in the dialogue below, the corresponding step “lights up” on the screen.
Ashley: The by-law review process involves six phases: Scoping, Research and Analysis, Engagement, By-law development and reporting, City Council and committee approval, and finally, the implementation of the by-law. This process ensures that we stay consistent and on track when reviewing a by-law, which results in the development of sound public policy through evidence-based decision-making.

Ashley: The first phase, Scoping, sets the entire by-law review process up for success. This is where we confirm that, yes, a new by-law needs to be developed or an existing by-law requires review, and how extensive a review is required. Key issues along with community and industry partners are identified and we develop detailed plans to guide our work – because an extensive by-law review may take up to several years to fully complete!

Fiona: With our plans in hand, we move onto the next phase: Research and Analysis. A by-law may be impacted by legislative requirements, legal issues, other by-laws, economic or other factors at play in the regulated area, and even Council plans and initiatives. So it’s important from an early point in the review process that we have a clear understanding of these factors. We analyze issues and gaps in areas under review, identify and consider related best practices and technological trends, and determine whether the present moment is the best time to introduce new regulations to the area or amend the existing by-law. Based on these findings, we develop our policy directions for potential new regulations or amendments to the existing by-law.

Fiona: Once we have the policy directions in mind, it’s on to the Engagement phase. Every by-law project is different, meaning the engagement activities we plan differ for each review, ranging from surveys to consultation sessions and focus groups. For most reviews, we want and need input from residents as well as the businesses, community partners or other entities that may be affected by the regulations. We frequently consult with community associations, BIAs, advocacy groups and NGOs to understand their experiences with the subject matter under review, and to determine how new or different regulations may affect them. We always want to ensure that policy options are informed by data and evidence. By-laws under review may impact you or your business, so it's important that you let us know your feedback and how you may be affected.

Fiona: After we’ve summarized the findings from our engagement activities and research, we have the necessary information to draft the final recommendations for the by-law being developed or under review. This is a critical part of the process where we consider any related financial and legal implications, prepare supporting documents, and obtain all of the necessary internal approvals before presenting our recommendations to Committee and then City Council.

Ashley: In the Committee and Council approval phase, we take the final recommendations and materials from the previous phase and share this wealth of information with Members of Council and Committee Chairs. We’re available to discuss any questions and concerns, and overall ensure that City Council and Committees have all of the information they need to make an evidence-based, informed decision on the proposed by-law changes.

Ashley: If the proposed changes to the by-law are approved, the by-law review isn’t over just yet – it’s time to implement and communicate those changes! We may need to update forms and webpages, revise procedures, consolidate other by-laws, or train staff. Monitoring the implemented by-law is also important, just in case any technical issues arise that require additional support or an amendment.
By-law review flow chart appears on the screen. The linear flow chart morphs into a circular chart reflecting the cyclical nature of the by-law review process.
Ashley: Because, at its core, the by-law review process is a cycle. Once we reach “the end”, we’re really back at the beginning.
Ashley Cheslock appears on the screen.
Ashley: Creating and reviewing by-laws is a huge undertaking and one that we cannot do alone. With involvement from Ottawa’s residents, community partners, local businesses and industry experts, we ensure a systematic review for all regulatory by-laws. Sharing your experiences, observations and suggestions helps ensure that new or amended by-laws reflect the changes that our community needs to continue growing and thriving. We invite you to join us in the by-law review process – there’s always a review or two going on!
Text “” displays on the screen.
Ashley: Visit (slash) bylaw reviews to learn more about our on-going and upcoming by-law reviews.
Screen fades to black and City of Ottawa logo displays.

Connecting by-laws with the economy

These services help future business owners navigate municipal by-laws, which are important to establish standards and regulations that create a safe, clean and vibrant community for residents and businesses alike. The City’s by-laws contribute to our economy in various ways, including through:

  • Business licensing: The City’s Licensing By-law is being updated to ensure public safety, consumer protection and protection of property, among other priorities. Implementing progressive policies and clear processes can encourage entrepreneurship and investment, leading to job creation and economic growth.
  • Infrastructure development: By-laws regulating the use and care of roads, sewers and other public infrastructure serve to protect the public’s investment and maintain the effective and reliable services that businesses depend on.
  • Community development: Zoning, property standards and property maintenance by-laws influence property values and the quality and character of communities. Good zoning practices can foster an active real estate market and increased property values, which contributes to economic growth.
  • Environmental conservation: Protecting the local environment, contributing to sustainability and mitigating the impacts of climate change will make Ottawa a more attractive place to live and invest in. This, in turn, supports long-term economic growth.
  • Public health and safety: Regulations addressing food safety, sanitation, smoking and vaping and other health concerns help to ensure a safe and healthy living environment. This helps maintain a productive workforce, again promoting economic health.

Your city, your ideas!

The Business Ambassador Program and by-law reviews are just a couple examples of how the City is working together with residents and the business community to enhance our programs and services. By providing residents and businesses alike a landscape in which they can thrive, with supporting services built-into the framework, we are setting the foundation for an innovative, collaborative and inclusive future.

Now is your chance to get involved and help shape the future of Ottawa’s economy. Visit the City’s By-law Reviews webpage to stay up to date with projects like the Licensing By-law Review and to learn about other ongoing by-law reviews.

You can also share your ideas on how these or other City services could contribute to a more diversified economy at

For more information on City programs and services, visit, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service. You can also connect with us through Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.
