Committee approves new watermain to service Nokia campus in Kanata North

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The Environment and Climate Change Committee today approved entering into an agreement with Nokia Canada to design and build a local watermain along Legget Drive. The watermain would service Nokia’s proposed development of a new mixed-use campus within the Kanata North special economic district – Canada’s largest technology cluster and a major contributor to Ottawa’s economy.

The City works with partners like Nokia to facilitate mixed-use development, support urban intensification and enable continued economic growth in Kanata North. By improving the area’s essential water infrastructure, this project would support the vision of a vibrant, connected core along March Road and Legget Drive. Once built, the City would reimburse Nokia for project costs up to $2.5 million before taxes and assume responsibility for operating and maintaining the watermain.

The Committee Chair presented the 2024 Environmental Excellence Awards, recognizing City employees who have made significant contributions toward a greener and more sustainable municipality. Specifically, this award recognizes exemplary innovation, leadership and positive environmental results.

The internal award, for initiatives that reduce the City’s corporate environmental footprint, was presented to the team behind From Rakes to Riches: Topsoil Pilot Project. This team makes nutrient-rich topsoil from the 20,000 tonnes of leaf and yard waste collected annually from Ottawa residents. City staff turned this waste into topsoil on-site at the landfill, reducing hauling distances, greenhouse gas emissions and wear and tear on Ottawa’s roads. This project saved the City an estimated $1.2 million in 2024.

The community award, for projects that reduce Ottawa’s overall environmental footprint, was presented to the team that sponsors and hosts the successful community-led Repair Café events. At these events, volunteers from the Ottawa Tool Library repair or repurpose items while teaching repair skills to other community members. By prolonging the life of household items, this program helps to reduce waste, extend the life of the landfill and reduce carbon dioxide emissions while also saving residents money.

The Committee received a presentation on the Green Fleet Strategy, outlining the City’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its vehicles. The strategy adopts an agile framework for incorporating new and emerging vehicle technologies and industry trends with the Council-approved goal of reducing GHG emissions to 100 per cent below 2012 levels by 2040. Overall, the switch to greener vehicles is expected to save the City more than $6 million by 2040.

The Green Fleet Strategy was approved by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on Thursday, February 27. It will rise to Council on Wednesday, March 26, along with items approved at this meeting.
