I am wondering...


If I open a summer tutorial course that based on html,perl,php coding, will anybody interested with it.

like vulnerabilities checking, code analyzing, basis of internet application programming and some internet security related stuff.
and some extra stuff, like how to use windows, troubleshooting, how to install windows, how to use specific program.
might be some programming languages such as vb, java.

Will any people interested with it, and willing to pay me for thise tutorial course?

I just wonder if there is a possible that I can use my tech. skill to make some money.
my plan is around 10-30/h

If you know nothing about html/perl/php coding, I will ask for 15/h
if you do know a bit about html/perl/php coding, I will ask for 10/h

script security part, will be double price of the basis web coding tutorial.
other security related part will be free, but I wont talk too much, mainly it's about how to write web scanner/port scanner.

If you intend to know more about the tutorial course, i will post the course outline soon.

here is a bit my personal info:
aka: toRuNe, Torune, BloodHound

5 year experience in HTML
4 year experience in PERL,PHP
2 year experience in ASP, SQL, MySQL, JAVASCRIPT [I don't feel confident to tutorial these stuff, because I dont want to misleading other people]
A member of China4lert [CGI security group, we got the well known Analysist and PsKey]
A member of Passfan [Enterprise CGI security analyze group]

Publications on magazines:
<一次虚拟的安全检测及修复方法> - 站点分析
<内网安全不容忽视> - LAN安全分析
<BBS3000最新的漏洞分析> - BBS3000论坛分析[PERL]
<不愿意被牵着走的羊> - CPB论坛分析[ASP]
Interested in how you go about analyze web security, network security. However can't afford 10-15 hours, would be interested in exchanging problems/ideas with ya! thanks for posting!

最初由 ???狗 发布
my plan is around 10-30/h

If you know nothing about html/perl/php coding, I will ask for 15/h
if you do know a bit about html/perl/php coding, I will ask for 10/h

script security part, will be double price of the basis web coding tutorial.
other security related part will be free, but I wont talk too much, mainly it's about how to write web scanner/port scanner.

If you intend to know more about the tutorial course, i will post the course outline soon.

here is a bit my personal info:
aka: toRuNe, Torune, BloodHound

5 year experience in HTML
4 year experience in PERL,PHP
2 year experience in ASP, SQL, MySQL, JAVASCRIPT [I don't feel confident to tutorial these stuff, because I dont want to misleading other people]
A member of China4lert [CGI security group, we got the well known Analysist and PsKey]
A member of Passfan [Enterprise CGI security analyze group]

Publications on magazines:
<一次虚拟的安全检测及修复方法> - 站点分析
<内网安全不容忽视> - LAN安全分析
<BBS3000最新的漏洞分析> - BBS3000论坛分析[PERL]
<不愿意被牵着走的羊> - CPB论坛分析[ASP] [/B][/QUOTE]