switch 和hub有什么不同

简单来讲, switch比hub价钱贵,技术复杂,更多花里胡哨的功能。


简单的讲, HUB是所有端口共享带宽, SWITCH是每个端口独享带宽.

复杂的讲, HUB是物理层的设备, SWITCH是数据链路层的设备. 两者的工作原理方式不同.
hubs work on physical layer, all the ports share the broadcast/collission domain, which means collissions happen when more than one hosts try to send bits at the same time.

switches work on data-link layer, every port owns its own broadcast/collission domain, no collissions will happen, which means all the ports can maintain their 10 or 100Mbps bandwidth.
Hub and switch has nothing to do with IP.

Hub is layer 1 device. Switch is layer 2 device. And IP works on network layer, which is layer 3.
Now understand. hub:layer1,swithch:layer2. Router has something to do with IP, so it's layer3 device.

Layer 4 device must be next generation communicaiton device. Let's keep an eye on those comanys producing layer 4 devices. A couple of them will be next CISCO or Lucent. Buy!