Riven Administrator 管理成员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 28,438 荣誉分数 5,435 声望点数 393 2004-03-14 #1 条件: 1.吃苦耐劳 2.英语熟练 3.可以合法在加拿大工作 提供培训,按单提成. 联系电话:225-4526 联系人:Emily 截至时间:3月15日3点
人淡如菊 知名会员 注册 2002-05-25 消息 2,344 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 148 2004-03-15 #2 Tough work. I did it when I was 18 (Cutco) for a month, most of the people joined with me at the same time quit before me. Afterwards I never wanted to do any sales-related job again.
Tough work. I did it when I was 18 (Cutco) for a month, most of the people joined with me at the same time quit before me. Afterwards I never wanted to do any sales-related job again.