oh? umm.....hmm....whattt??? BIBI is QQs....or some no life is again trying to ruin people's reputation. lol just like spiky got jacked!!! lol j/k spike. how many people were playing? 1 on 1?
最初由 mozart_ghost 发布 oh? umm.....hmm....whattt??? BIBI is QQs....or some no life is again trying to ruin people's reputation. lol just like spiky got jacked!!! lol j/k spike. how many people were playing? 1 on 1?
you don't have to be good at cs....some people are just no lives that wants to ruin other people's "csputation"....for example....8850.....(i'm guessing 8850 is not here.....the shitty hacker)