L LaoJ 知名会员 注册 2003-07-22 消息 72 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 166 2004-06-24 #1 Need to add the "search" function at the website, let users search something only on this website (about 10 pages)and automactically switch to the searched page. Is there any simplest way to do it (not a search engine)? thanks,
Need to add the "search" function at the website, let users search something only on this website (about 10 pages)and automactically switch to the searched page. Is there any simplest way to do it (not a search engine)? thanks,
苦逼热狗 路边通讯社社长 VIP 注册 2002-10-12 消息 47,114 荣誉分数 2,376 声望点数 393 2004-06-24 #2 <form name=gs method=GET action=http://www.google.com/search> <input type=hidden name=hl value="zh-CN"> <input type=hidden name=ie value="UTF-8"> <input type=text name=q size=41 maxlength=2048 value="site:your_site_url search_string"> <input type=submit name="btnG" value="搜索"> <input type=hidden name=lr value="true"> </form> 至于q的value里头那个site:可以用javascript来实现 只要能够构造正确的路径 Location: http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF-8&q=site:comefromchina.com+变态热狗&lr= 需要用到urlencode good luck
<form name=gs method=GET action=http://www.google.com/search> <input type=hidden name=hl value="zh-CN"> <input type=hidden name=ie value="UTF-8"> <input type=text name=q size=41 maxlength=2048 value="site:your_site_url search_string"> <input type=submit name="btnG" value="搜索"> <input type=hidden name=lr value="true"> </form> 至于q的value里头那个site:可以用javascript来实现 只要能够构造正确的路径 Location: http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF-8&q=site:comefromchina.com+变态热狗&lr= 需要用到urlencode good luck
L LaoJ 知名会员 注册 2003-07-22 消息 72 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 166 2004-06-26 #3 最初由 ???狗 发布 <form name=gs method=GET action=http://www.google.com/search> <input type=hidden name=hl value="zh-CN"> <input type=hidden name=ie value="UTF-8"> <input type=text name=q size=41 maxlength=2048 value="site:your_site_url search_string"> <input type=submit name="btnG" value="搜索"> <input type=hidden name=lr value="true"> </form> 至于q的value里头那个site:可以用javascript来实现 只要能够构造正确的路径 Location: http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF-8&q=site:comefromchina.com+变态热狗&lr= 需要用到urlencode good luck 点击展开... Thanks a lot
最初由 ???狗 发布 <form name=gs method=GET action=http://www.google.com/search> <input type=hidden name=hl value="zh-CN"> <input type=hidden name=ie value="UTF-8"> <input type=text name=q size=41 maxlength=2048 value="site:your_site_url search_string"> <input type=submit name="btnG" value="搜索"> <input type=hidden name=lr value="true"> </form> 至于q的value里头那个site:可以用javascript来实现 只要能够构造正确的路径 Location: http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF-8&q=site:comefromchina.com+变态热狗&lr= 需要用到urlencode good luck 点击展开... Thanks a lot