风儿 绿色狂飙 注册 2002-05-06 消息 1,010 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2004-08-16 #1 寻找8月20号,这个星期5下午去TORONTO的顺风车,谢谢大家 电话是: 286-8067.或者用QQH
W wfung 新手上路 注册 2003-10-08 消息 327 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-08-17 #2 提供顺风车Ride offer AUG20/22: OTT渥太华-TOR多伦多-OTT渥太华 Save $$, take the ride and have a nice conversation with your driver. Friday departing from Ottawa at 4:30pm, arriving Toronto at 9:00pm. Sunday departing from Toronto at 6:00pm, arriving Ottawa at 10:30pm. (days) 613-592-7400 ext.2215, (evenings) 416-627-3919.
提供顺风车Ride offer AUG20/22: OTT渥太华-TOR多伦多-OTT渥太华 Save $$, take the ride and have a nice conversation with your driver. Friday departing from Ottawa at 4:30pm, arriving Toronto at 9:00pm. Sunday departing from Toronto at 6:00pm, arriving Ottawa at 10:30pm. (days) 613-592-7400 ext.2215, (evenings) 416-627-3919.