

Leaute's Last Wishes
Submitted by: KT
Realm: San d'Oria
Start Area: San d'Oria North
Start NPC: Any Gate Guard
Type: Mission
Related Areas: Altepa Desert West
Chateau d'Oraguille

Mission: 6 - 1
Min Level: 60
Max Level: 75
Reward: Rank 6-2
Rating: 2.75
Estimated Fame Needed: None
Last Updated: Mon Jul 19 13:20:37 2004
First, accept the mission from the mission guard (you may need to trade crystals to a gate guard in order to build the rank points you need to accept the mission). Then, proceed to Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to Halver, then enter the audience chambers to receive a cutscene with the king. Then return to Halver and speak to him again, he will ask you to speak to the king again. Return to the king again and he will ask you to retrieve a key item called a 'Dream rose' and place it on Queen Leaute's grave per the queen's request.

Once you have finished the cutscene, head to G-7 in Western Altepa Desert. There is an oasis there (shown on the map), and behind the oasis you will be able to target the rose. Targeting the rose will spawn a NM Cactaur. Other Cactaurs spawn here rather frequently, so it would behoove you to clear those out before taking on the NM. The NM Cactaur will use 1000 needles like all Cactaurs, but like other cactaurs, that damage is spread among all characters and NPCs in the area. It shouldn't be too much trouble to kill this NM with a full party of LV 60 players, but you can have as many people as you wish (the more people you have, the less damage each individual takes from 1000 needles). Once the NM is dead, examine the rose again to receive the key item that you need.

Return to San d'Oria and talk to Halver, then head to the garden in Chateau d'Oraguille, where you will receive a cutscene. Select yes at the end of the cutscene. You will receive a key item (piece of paper), and you will have completed the mission.

This Mission is Not Skippable
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Next Mission: Ranperre's Final Rest