
On the Internet, a router is a device or, in some cases, software in a computer, that determines the next network point to which a packet should be forwarded toward its final destination. The router is connected to at least two networks and decides which way to send each information packet based on its current understanding of the state of the networks it is connected to. A router is located at any juncture of networks or gateway, including each Internet point-of-presence. A router is often included as part of a network switch.

A router creates or maintains a table of the available routes and their conditions and uses this information along with distance and cost algorithms to determine the best route for a given packet. Typically, a packet may travel through a number of network points with routers before arriving at its destination.

In general, a hub is the solid central part of a wheel where the spokes come together (think of a bicycle or wagon wheel). The term is familiar to frequent fliers who travel through airport "hubs" to make connecting flights from one point to another. In data communications, the word "hub" means a convergence place where data comes in from one or more directions and is forwarded out in one or more other directions. A hub usually includes a switch of some kind. (And a product that is called a "switch" could usually be considered a hub as well.) The distinction seems to be that the hub is the place where data comes together and the switch is what determines how and where data is forwarded from the place where data comes together. Regarded in its switching aspects, a hub can also include a router.

1) In describing networks, a hub topology consists of a backplane (main circuit) from which a number of outgoing lines can be attached ("dropped"), each providing one or more connection ports for devices to attach to. For Internet users not connected to a local area network, this is the general topology used by your access provider. Other common network topologies are the bus network and the ring network. (Either of these could possibly feed into a hub network, using a bridge.)

2) As a network product, a hub may include a group of modem cards for dial-in users, a gateway card for connections to a local area network (for example, an Ethernet or a Token Ring), and a connection to a T-1 line (the main line in this example).
我用的 Rogers' Cable. 想连 2-3 台机器。是不是只能用 route? 如果我只交一份的钱,并保持流量不很大,Rogers 会不会发现?
最初由 洋插队 发布
我用的 Rogers' Cable. 想连 2-3 台机器。是不是只能用 route? 如果我只交一份的钱,并保持流量不很大,Rogers 会不会发现?

最初由 洋插队 发布
我用的 Rogers' Cable. 想连 2-3 台机器。是不是只能用 route? 如果我只交一份的钱,并保持流量不很大,Rogers 会不会发现?

router就相当于一台装有DHCP Server服务器的电脑,可以动态分配内部ip,所以用router共享上网,网络上的计算机彼此不受影响,而且router也可以当switch用,并且带宽是每个端口读享;hub是很老的设备,只是起到把本地网络物理连接作用,用hub共享上网,必须有一台机器做服务器,否则其他机器不能同时上网,所以做服务器那台计算机就不能关,hub的带宽是共享的,也就是10兆的hub,4台连4台机器,那每个端口的传输速率就是2.5兆;swich的功能和hub基本一样,只不过技术成熟,数据流控制比较好,并且宽带是独享的。所以你要是家里有多台机器上网,无论是rogers的还是bell的,建议用router。
最初由 大熊猫 发布
