我觉得3v3时候,除了harass需要micro,别的时候就不太需要了。。我看一些级别高的人玩ne,3v3,就是双BR出ARCHER,然后直接CHIM...这样做,其实成功率也很高的。。但是一定要在初期,多建造一点农民,要不然木头不够。。然后但英雄,prieset of the moon,这样说不定还能升级到6级,starfall,不过1。17改变了不能无敌的时候放starfall,所以一定要在肉盾后面放。
i'd think this combo works better in the middle of game. Most high lv matches starts engaging with harass, ealy offensive is critical in 3v3(new 3v3 ladder maps are small). 2 orc + 1 ne, 2 FS + 1KOTG harass =hardcore unites kill, dual grunts start to orc1-caster/orc-taraun+ mass archer NE is actuallly very powerful.
For SH, i'd pick him as 2nd hero and FS as 1st. ward doesnt work well against good players. FS 1st wiz wolf, then SH 2nd wiz hex, since orc can tech bit faster and hex+speed scroll = anti-ranged unites.