


maybe you using lite high speed?
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To Make Your Computer Work Better: Quick Tune Ups For Windows Operating Systems

All Windows operating systems tend to run more slowly after being used for a period of time.
What can be done about this?
How can I get my computer humming like new again?
How can I reduce crashes and lock ups? What can I do about "out-of-memory" error messages when I know I have plenty of memory? Here are some Microsoft recommendations for this problem:

1. Delete temporary files with the file extension .tmp. These files are just that: temporary. Most of them will not open. They are not data. They are not even back up files. They are used by the operating system in the course of creating permanent data but are not automatically deleted. Hundreds of these files can accumulate on a hard worked computer.

Here's how to eliminate them: From your computer desktop, right click on the start button and choose FIND. A dialogue box will open called "Find All Files." In the "Named" box, type *.tmp. Set the "Look In” box to the C:\ drive. Click the "Find Now Button."

When the search is complete, select all the files found and delete them. Then, delete them from the recycle bin, which opens from another icon on your desktop. Feel confident that you can safely delete all these files even if the computer gives you messages such as "This is a program file, etc."

If you are still not sure that you feel safe about deleting the files, try this trick! Rename the TEMP folder to "Things I Need To Look Thru" and create a new TEMP folder. This will move the corrupted .tmp files to a place where they will not affect your work with applications that resort to use of the TEMP folder every time you create a document. The theory here is that when Windows leafs through the TEMP folder and it finds corrupt files there, it causes malfunctions, even application lock ups. It is just a theory.

2. Empty the TEMP folder(s) in the root directory of the C:\ drive and inside the C:\Windows system folder or C:\WINNT folder. Unless you have deliberately stored data in the TEMP folders, everything in this folder can go without loosing data. Feel confident that you can safely delete all these files even if the computer gives you messages such as "This is a program file, etc." After deleting the folders inside the TEMP folder, remove them from the recycle bin.

3. Remove Temporary Internet and History files from the computer. There are several ways to do this depending on what Internet browser is on your computer (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and what operating system you have.

Windows 95 has a folder called Temporary Internet files located at C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files. Browse to this folder and open it; select all the files and folders inside and delete them. Do not delete the Temporary Internet Folder itself. Then remove the files from the Recycle Bin.

Internet Explorer: Another way to eliminate these files is to open Internet Explorer and click on the Tools drop down menu. Then choose Internet Options or Options and look for the tab called "General." Look for a button called "Delete Files." Also, look for another button called "Clear History." Clicking on these two buttons will remove Internet temporary files and history files, which can build up over time and bog down your computer. These files deleted from inside Internet Explorer do not get moved to the Recycle Bin.

Netscape Navigator and Communicator: Open Navigator; click on the Edit pull down menu; select "Preferences." A white window will appear in a dialog box headlined "Category." Select "Navigator" and click on the plus (+) sign to make is minus (-) From the Navigator tab on the right click on "Clear Location Bar" and "Clear History." The history files are important to get rid of because they corrupt easily

and Cause Computer Lock Ups and prevent the Browser from working right. . Return to the left side again and select "Advanced." Change the plus (+) to a minus (-) and select "Cache." Click on "Clear Memory Cache" and "Clear Disk Cache." Netscape users should also run a "Find” on "cache" as this will bring up the cache folders; they can be opened and emptied. Also, and finally, run a Find on "Netscape.hst." This file can be deleted. It has the reputation of getting corrupted easily. (A new one will be created when Netscape reopens.) After clearing these files out, close and reopen Netscape. It will run better. So may your computer.

4. Run Scandisk. This utility is available in Windows 95/98 and NT. In Windows 95, look for Scandisk under System Tools on the Accessories Menu. In Windows NT, select the drive you want to scan and then from the files menu, select properties. The scandisk option should appear. Gave the utility automatically fix errors.

5. Run Disk Defragmenter. This tool is available in Windows 95 under System Tools on the Accessories menu. In NT 4.0, disk defragmenter is not a default feature and has to be installed. In Windows 2000 Professional (NT 5.0), disk defragmenter is available again. It is also available in Windows 98.

6. Reboot. After going thru this clean-up routine, you need to reboot the computer so the advantages of this tune up can take effect.

7. More Solutions To Memory Problems: Another step you can take to help make your applications work better is to increase the size of the paging file or virtual memory, especially if you have multiple applications running. Make it larger. Also, consider moving it to a second hard drive, one that does not have the operating system on it. Especially if you have lots of free disk space and plenty of memory but still have trouble with applications.

8. Computer Slow To Boot Up: This could be because programs or applications have been set to load up in the start up folder while the computer is booting up and setting up the desktop preferences. For example, you may have chosen to have MS Exchange or Outlook boot up automatically when you boot the computer. REAL PlAYER is notorious for loading itself into your start-up folder and automatically loading up and placing itself in your system tray. Look in Start>Settings>Task Bar>Start Menu Programs>Advanced for the start-up folder. In NT 4.0 look at C:\WINNT\Profiles\your profile \ Start Menu\Programs\Start Up.
最初由 ndsids 发布
maybe you using lite high speed?
mine is much faster than that.
how much u pay per month for internet?

最初由 ashvalley 发布
something at background is runinning.virus?add more ram?
To Make Your Computer Work Better: Quick Tune Ups For Windows Operating Systems

最初由 卖姑娘的小和尚 发布
最初由 ashvalley 发布
something at background is runinning.virus?add more ram?
To Make Your Computer Work Better: Quick Tune Ups For Windows Operating Systems


然后用Norton Ghost克隆一遍,这样你就不需要那么浪费时间了去等了
你这么说看Bill Gates不跟你急!

最初由 陪你去看龙卷风 发布

然后用Norton Ghost克隆一遍,这样你就不需要那么浪费时间了去等了