PCI Express means death of AGP standard
Intel Developer Forum All change, here comes a new gravy train
By Mike Magee in San Jose: 星期四 20 二月 2003, 00:28
A PANEL OF Intel specialists working on the PC Express specifications confirmed today that when products are released it means the death of the AGPx spec, with rev eight being the last.
While PCI Express means X16 next generation graphics delivering 4GBs per second per direction, that may mean that when Nvidia releases its PCI Express card, you'll have to buy a whole new PC to plug it into.
PCI Express products are due to ship in the second half of next year, with other radical changes happening in the notebook and server segments too. The specs are far advanced and Microsoft is very likely to take full advantage of some of its new futures, probably with Longhorn.
Bala Cadambi, who heads up the PCI Express initiative, said that the new specification will run fine with existing BIOSes and drivers, and software, but it has "a lot of features software can take advantage of".
Those include isochronous support for streaming media for TV tuners, for graphics and for cameras.
The first release of products also means an X or greater IO performance for Gigabit Ethernet, and 1394, with 250MBs per second per direction.
The notebook PC will see the death of the old PCMCIA form factor, with new cards, codenamed oddly enough Newcards, taking their place. Two Newcards will fit in the space of one Cardbus card, and they'll be able to use PCI Express or USB 2.0.
The advantages of the new form factor will include low wattage, a small footprint, and they'll support comms, storage, and IO migration.
On the server front, PCI Express will let adaptors connect directly to the MCH without a bridge, offering lower latency, lower cost, and fewer pins. Bandwidth will kick off at 10Gb from launch day, while in the future vendors will offer server modules which allow additional connectivity to be installed much like "inserting a cartridge into a VCR".
Intel itself will have two chipsets supporting Enterprise PCI Express ? Lindenhurst and Twin Castle.