V vision 新手上路 注册 2004-03-12 消息 232 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-12-14 #1 We should never never give up on working hard! We should never never give up on working hard on our job! You may not get any extra pay on your extra hard working habit,but your boss is really know about it!Right?
We should never never give up on working hard! We should never never give up on working hard on our job! You may not get any extra pay on your extra hard working habit,but your boss is really know about it!Right?
G gdntfrank 知名会员 注册 2002-01-25 消息 2,742 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 146 2004-12-14 #2 depends. Sometimes, your company just don't deserve the hard work. you can always hear people saying " i am not paid well enough to do this".
depends. Sometimes, your company just don't deserve the hard work. you can always hear people saying " i am not paid well enough to do this".
oread 新手上路 注册 2002-01-24 消息 20,275 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 0 2004-12-14 #3 You do whatever that makes you happy and satisfied.
子 子龙 知名会员 注册 2004-04-14 消息 1,634 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2004-12-15 #4 我认为这里不讲“奖勤罚懒”。奖勤――老板要付多的银子;罚懒――老板要得罪人。所以,只要不犯大错,就好自为之吧。(所谓的良心就不要讲了) ――个人观点!