you may try;
1. update ad-aware and rescan
2. reset toolbar setting in registry
Try this procedure and reset the toolbar setting from Registry
- Close all browser windows (Important)
- Open registry editor (start>run>regedit.exe)
- goto the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
There are 3 sub keys: Explorer, ShellBrowser, WebBrowser
In each of these sub-keys is the entry for ITBarLayout
For IE Toolbars: The WebBrowser Sub-key directly affects IE.
For Windows Explorer Toolbars: The Explorer Sub-key directly affects Explorer.
The ShellBrowser sub-key may affect IE as well. Its effect on IE and Windows Explorer is unknown at this time, so if the first option doesn't work, delete the ITBarLayout value here as well.
Choose the relevant sub-key and right click where it says ITBarLayout and select Delete.