电 电脑盲小白 新手上路 注册 2005-01-02 消息 3 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-01-02 #1 我家的WIRELESS ROUTER老是要断线,断掉了马上又会自动连起来,经常发生.....会是什么原因呢?希望各位提供有价值的意见和方案,
梦想天堂 超级菜鸟 ElemEnt 注册 2004-03-07 消息 716 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 128 2005-01-03 #2 i got the sae problem, especially when am playing cs, the comp got stuck time to time, but it won't happen when i using another router, either wired or wireless..........
i got the sae problem, especially when am playing cs, the comp got stuck time to time, but it won't happen when i using another router, either wired or wireless..........
邂逅幸福 熊猫&芭比 VIP 注册 2004-03-08 消息 4,045 荣誉分数 121 声望点数 0 2005-01-04 #6 最初由 pope3 发布 smc 点击展开... SMC的信号不行啊,我正打算换掉呢!!