[问题] 有人知道55-60级的精英宠哪里去找吗?


:confused: :confused: :confused: 找了大半个世界也没找到阿 那位打侠指导一下???:cool: :cool: :cool:

我现在抓了一只老虎 一只狼, 据说还有一只elite的雄,还有一个飞行的那个(这个我没试过能不能招.不过是51级的)
那只狼我有啊 P法师WARLOCK超强啊 躺在地上装死就得 而且智力也不低
This is a list of all the named/elite/unique i found on the master list of tamable beasts

Bats: "Ressan the Needler" 11 white, Tirisfal Glades -

Bears: "Mangeclaw" 11 White, Dun Morogh - "Bjarn" 12 white, Dun Morogh - "Old Vicejaw" 14 brown, Silverpine Forest - "Ol' Sooty" 20 black, Loch Modan - "Ursol'lok" 31 black, Ashenvale - "Old Grizzlegut" 43 black, Feralas - "Ursius" 56 white, Winterspring -

Boars: "Porcine Entourage" 7 brown, Elwynn Forest - "Princess" 9 yellow, Elwynn Forest - "Bellygrub" 24 brown, Blasted Lands; Redridge Mountains - "Grunter" 50 blue, Blasted Lands -

Carrion Bird: "Vultros" 26 blue, Westfall - "Spiteflayer" 52 ?, Blasted Lands - "Zaricotl" 55 red, Badlands -

Cats: "The Rake" 10 gold lion, Mulgore - "Shadowclaw" 13 dark tiger, Darkshore - "Dishu" yellow tiger, The Barrens - "Echeyakee" 16 white lion, The Barrens - "Humar the Pridelord" 23 black lion, The Barrens - "Sin'Dall" 37 red tiger, Stranglethorn Vale - "Bhag'thera" 40 black tiger, Stranglethorn Vale - "King Bangalash" 43 white tiger, Stranglethorn Vale - "Jaguero Stalker" 50 black tiger, Stranglethorn Vale - "Rak'shiri" 57 aqua tiger, Winterspring - "Shy-Rotam" 60 aqua tigar, Winterspring - "Sian-Rotam" 60 white lion, Winterspring -

Crocolisk: "Deadmire" 45 white, Dustwallow Marsh -

Gorilla: "Konda" 43 black, Stranglethorn Vale -

Hyena: "Snort the Heckler" 17 blue, The Barrens - "Steelsnap" 30 orange, Thousand Needles - "Murderous Blisterpaw" 43 orange, Tanaris - "Ravage" 51 blue, Blasted Lands -

Raptor: "Ishamuhale" 19 red, The Barrens - "Takk the Leaper" 19 gray, The Barrens - "Sarltooth" 29 blue/green, Wetlands - "Tethis" 43 blue/green, Stranglethorn Vale -

Scorpid: "Sarkoth" 4 black, Durotar - "Death Flayer" 11 black, Durotar - "Vile Sting" 35 sliver, Thousand Needles - "Clack the Reaver" 53 silver, Blasted Lands -

Spider: "Githyiss the Vile" 5 green tarantula, Teldrassil - "Mother Fang" 10 green spider, Elwynn Forest - "Lady Sathrah" 12 gray tarantula, Teldrassil - "Sri'skulk" 13 steel spider, Tirisfal Glades - "Krethis Shadowspinner" steel spider, Silverpine Forest - "Besseleth" 21 orange tarantula, Stonetalon Mountains - "Chatter" 23 brown tarantula, Redridge Mountains - "Leech Widow" 24 tan spider, Wetlands - "Naraxis" 27 blood spider, Duskwood - "Darkmist Widow" 40 jungle spider, Dustwallow Marsh - "Rekk'tilac" 48 magma tarantula, Searing Gorge -

Tallstrider: "Mazzranache" 9 pink, Mulgore -

Turtle: "Kresh" 20 blue, The Wailing Caverns - "Ghamoo-ra" 25 red, Blackfathom Deeps; Blackfathom~Tiefe - "Ironback" 51 gray, The Hinterlands -

Wind Serpent: "Washte Pawne" 25 red/orange, The Barrens - "Azzere the Skyblade" 25 red, The Barrens - "Arash-ethis" 49 white, Feralas - "Spawn of Hakkar" 51 red, The Temple of Atal'Hakkar -

Wolf: "Timber" 10 blue, Dun Morogh - "Gorefang" 13 gray, Silverpine Forest - "Mist Howler" 22 timber, Ashenvale - "Lupos" 23 blue, Duskwood - "Snarler" 42 black, Feralas - "Old Cliff Jumper" 42 gray, The Hinterlands - "Della" 49 blue, Felwood - "Deathmaw" 53 black, Burning Steppes - "Bloodshot" 54 timber, Western Plaguelands