Top Hunter Macros (v3.5)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Riven
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Hi all. Thought these might help. I use the Nurfed UI ( because I'm too lazy to configure Cosmos and I find nurfed has EVERYTHING I want.

Note: to add an action to a macro, you may SHIFT+LEFT CLICK on it from the spellbook & abilities window.

To begin creating a macro, use /macro. Then select NEW MACRO. Type a name, pick an icon, then add lines of code for what you want to do.

Sometimes these macros dont work if they are copied and pasted, so try typing them out yourself before complaining here.

These macros, when used in conjunction with the Nurfed UI, allow you to do all combat actions from just ONE quickbar.

They are not the definitive BEST macros, those depend on your UI preference and your play style, but I am using them currently and loving them.

Thanks go out to Zorlen for the AutoFeed macro (He's claimed it as his, however the original post was deleted from the Beta message boards. But we'll trust him cause he's a nice guy) :)

Aspect of the Hawk is deteced with Aspect of the Raven by UnitBuff detection. This is a relic from the Alpha I believe. If anyone knows what Aspect of the Pack is known as in the code language, that'd be nice if u could post it. UnitBuff does not recognize Pack or Cheetah.

These are a work in progress, so any macros that I'm missing (that do not involve quickbar switches) are welcome.

I'm currently working on:
-aspect of the pack detection/autocasting

------------AUTOFEED PET------------
Directions: Have a stack of food in slot#1 of Bag#3. Wont work in combat. If there is no food, it will open the bag to show you the lack of food.

/script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then if (not
GetContainerItemLink(3, 1)) then OpenBag(3); else CastSpellByName("Feed Pet"); PickupContainerItem(3, 1); end end

-This macro does NOT copy well into WOW. You will need to retype it with no Return/Enter strokes and only ONE space in the appropriate indicated spots.(After semi-colons, words like: if, then and end)
-Bag #3 is the 2nd bag from the left.
-Thanks for Zorlen for this one.

---------ASPECT SWITCHING--------
Description: Automagically switches aspects. Very useful. When you use your sword, BAM, you're in Monkey Mode. When you use your bow, BAM, you're in Hawk Mode.

IMPORTANT: These macros work on the assumption that you started with an Aspect already up. They detect the Aspect in BuffSlot #1, and work from there to replace it as necessary. So - If these macros don't work, please remeber that they must be able to detect an Aspect in order to compare it. Use a GUI like Nurfed or Cosmos to add extra side-bar buttons for your "occasional" use items, Like Aspect of the Pack, Rapid Fire, etc. Usually this is only a problem at the beginning of your session - so start your session by tossing your speedbuff up :).

-----------------Attack and Monkey-----------------

Description: Attack. (replaces melee attack button, use this instead of the default button to begin autoswinging with melee weapon). Checks to see if Aspect of the Monkey is already up, and if it is it wont cast it. So if Hawk or Pack/Cheetah is up, you'll cast Aspect of the Monkey and begin attacking with your melee weapon. Also if you are already in combat with melee weapons, this macro will NOT drop you out of combat. I find this useful for avoiding constant toggling out of battle and losing that valuable second of attacking :).

/script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Mon")) then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Monkey"); end
/script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then CastSpellByName("Attack"); end

----------------Auto Shot and Hawk-----------------

Description: Starts Auto Shot (ranged attack) and checks to see if Aspect of the Hawk is up. If it is it will NOT cast Aspect of the Hawk.

/cast Auto Shot
/script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Hawk(Rank X)"); end

-Due to game timing issues, this macro seems to work better if its in this order. I dunno why, its a little flaky.
-Rank X: Use the appropriate number for the highest Aspect of the Hawk rank that you have.

-----------Aspect Check Then Aimed Shot---------

Description: Use this to replace Aimed Shot (or any insta-shot). This way it will check before combat if you have Hawk up already. You can use this for any insta arrow or even switch it around for Raptor Strike & Monkey. If the correct aspect wasn't up on the first press of this macro, it will be up when you press it a 2nd time :).

/script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Hawk(Rank X)"); else CastSpellByName("Aimed Shot(Rank Y)"); end

-X: Use the appropriate number for the highest Aspect of the Hawk rank that you have.
-Y: Use the appropriate number for the highest Aimed Shot(or whatever special attack you are using) rank that you have.
-You can't use this for every special shot b/c then you wont be able to see when you are out of range (the # goes red when you are out of range). So pick the most frequently used "primary" attacks. Usually AimedShot or Concussive are the choice first strikes.
-This macro works best when you use it only for one or the other(either Aimed shot or Arcane Shot) because the timer is the same for both of those shots so you can tell when one or the other is ready even if one of them is replaced with a macro key. It doesn't work so well for RaptorStrike/Monkey because then you can't easily tell if RaptorStrike is ready again after the first use.

--Pet Control & Auto Mark Target--

Description: Automatically Hunter's Marks something and Either a) sends pet to attack or b) Pet Follow you.

-------------Pet Attack & Mark Target--------------

Description: Use this to Mark your target and send your pet in to attack.

/cast Hunter's Mark(Rank 2)
/script PetAttack()

------------Pet Stay/Come & Mark Target------------

Description: Use this to either:
a) Mark your target and keep your pet with you(when in a dungeon or mob-heavy area)
b) Bring your pet back to you
c) Mark a diff target, but you will need to switch back and use Ctrl+1 or Macro #4 to have your pet start attacking again.

/cast Hunter's Mark(Rank 2)
/script PetFollow()

-These two macros, when used together, allow you to skip the pet-control bar all together and keep all comands on your main quick bar. Very useful. Also, the hunter's mark costs nearly no mana, so its combo-ed in there for convience.

--Assist, Mark, PetAttack, Shoot--
Description: Assist a friendly target, Hunter's Mark the target, send your Pet to attack, and puts you in shooting mode.

/script if (UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then AssistUnit("target"); end
/cast Hunter's Mark(Rank X)
/cast PetAttack()
/script if(not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then CastSpellByName("Auto Shot"); end

-Rank X; where X equals your highest rank of the Hunter's Rank spell.
-Will only work if your current target is friendly.
-Thanks to Wildcall for inspiration for this macro.

------ScatterShot & Pet Recall-----
Description: Uses scattershot and recalls your pet so he doesn't break the effect.

/script PetFollow()
/Cast Scatter Shot()

-Thanks to Ricochet for the macro.

------ShadowMeld & Lay Down------
Description: Use this to become very difficult to find by lying down after you've shadowmelded.

/cast Shadowmeld(Racial)

-Thanks to Tursi for this macro

I hope you guys find these useful, I really enjoy them. It cuts down my quickbars from two to one, and saves me 1000s of clicks a session. :)

-Fyodor <Maelstrom Inc> on WarSong.
[ post edited by Fyodor ]
Zorlen Hunter Functions v2.2 | 12/8/2004 10:10:07 AM PST

I am creating a new post for this so that those few people using my function will have a single place to go for requests, updates, etc.

The function library has been updated and has the following functions in it:


The first three can be used in a macro to determine if a spell is already active. For instance, if you want a macro to cast Hawk but only if it is not already up, the macro would read (ON ONE LINE):

/script if (not isHawkActive() then CastSpellByName("Aspect of the Hawk(Rank 1)") end

Cast Monkey has that conditional already written in to save on macro space. A CastHawk() function is on the todo list.

The canFeed() function will return true, if you are not in combat and the first slot of the first container (left to right, bottom to top) contains a food item. If you are in combat, it will just return false. If the slot is either empty or contains a non food item, then an error message will pop up and the bag will be opened for you.

The following macro makes feeding your pet a single click/press:

/script if (canFeed()) then CastSpellByName("Feed Pet"); PickupContainerItem(4, 1) end

As I add more functionality to this Library, I will update this thread.

The library can be downloaded from:

Note the v2.0 Upgrade added the following:

isCheetahActive() -- Determines if AofC is active
canFeed() -- Error message goes to the chat window now instead of an error box
Zorlen_inCombat() -- returns true if you are in combat. More reliable than PlayerFrame.inCombat
backOff() -- Turns pet to passive, sets pet to autofollow and turns off melee attack


Note that I changed the download page to a blog to better handle updates and changes. The blog has an RSS feed if anyone is interested.


Debuff checks have been added to the function. In addition thanks to Kunderack, the library will now play the level up sound every time you dodge to help with that frustrating Mongoose Bite.