我看中了一个房子.. 外形好好看!!!

**Secret Girl**

嗯.. 就是你了.. ^_^

请问大家, 你们挑选到你心爱的房子前大概看了考虑/VISIT过多少个房子啊???...我到现在为止看了大概30个, 但是没有一个是觉得特别中意的.. 我觉得我的AGENT都有点不耐烦了.. 所以想问问大家, 我是不是看的太多了?? :confused: :confused: :( :(
No, you are about average. If your agent is impatient, change an agent. :o
30 houses? I personally think that is a little bit too much. After I visited 5 resale ones (all built after year 2000)... then I decided to buy a brand-new one! No matter what, you can't have all you what/like - just those little things (I am not a handy man) .... But for a new house, I have to wait...:p

At least, you have to have your own bottom line first (those must have):

the age of the house
the community
the builder
the # of bedroom and # of washrooms....

Once you have those criteria, you don't need to waste your time visting so many houses..

You can also change to another sales agent if this one is not good
We went to sale office and looked at model home occasionally.
Then had chance to look at 2 houses, one in the north of Kanata, one in the south, we realized it is imposibble for us to buy a resale house.
My brother in Vacouver has looked near 100 houses, still in hunting, however the price has been up 20-30% since his starting hunting.
Buying a home is a big purchase, isn't it? but don't feel bad if you need to look more houses. The more you look, the more you learn. If the real estate agent is getting impatient, replace another one (someone has already made this suggestion).

Before you do so, just make sure if you have signed any agreement with the agent regarding they and only they will represent you in the house purchase, if you did, even though you purchase the house by yourself or through someone elase, they are still entitle to the commission ( I am absoluately sure about this part, can someone give a better advice). Most of real estate agent do not requires you to sign this type of contact, if you they want, you can always refuse to do, or put a expire date saying they can represent you for 3 weeks or may be up to a month. If you are happy with their services, you can always renew the contract.

When buying a resale house, hire a home inspector to find out all the problems. Use all the problems of the house as your bargain power to negotiate. And please don't sign anything ( such as offer to purchase) unless you know all the conditions.

Real estate agents have the trendency to press you for a quick purchase; and don't be surprise, a lot of agent just want you to buy the house so they can get their commissions from the sellers.
I think if you know which area you want to live in, you may not need to look at so many houses. I chose the area first, and then looked at a dozen homes before I made an offer, and I have been happy with this house.

I was most satisfied with my agent, too. He was knowledgeable, diligent, and honest. He gave his opinion when asked, but didn't give any sales pitch.
I would advise anyone against signing exclusive contract with any agent. Ask yourself this: "What's in it for me?"

Nobody can tell you if you are comfortable with the house you are about to purchase, you'll know it when you find it, just keep looking.
I don't know why you visited so many houses and still have not find the one. I mean, there's no perfect house --- except you have enough money to design and have someone build a house for yourself. Here's what I did. I searched the website, Area, Size, Price, Finished Basement or not. You can choose whatever you want and then you go ahead check it out with your agent. First, you know what you want, then you narrow down your choices. It's pretty simple.
I'll tell you my story: we didn't know what we wanted, we only knew what we didn't want. :D

It's never simple when comes to purchase a home.

最初由 仙女 发布
I don't know why you visited so many houses and still have not find the one. I mean, there's no perfect house --- except you have enough money to design and have someone build a house for yourself. Here's what I did. I searched the website, Area, Size, Price, Finished Basement or not. You can choose whatever you want and then you go ahead check it out with your agent. First, you know what you want, then you narrow down your choices. It's pretty simple.
最初由 渐渐 发布
I'll tell you my story: we didn't know what we wanted, we only knew what we didn't want. :D

It's never simple when comes to purchase a home.


这可是一个很大的决定... 所以我比较慎重.. 哎.. 不过还真的比较难选...:( :(
So keep hunting and good luck! People always told me there is no perfect house. For my personal experience, I think that's true. You always have to trade off.
The more houses you see, the more difficult it becomes to make a decision. You will get totally confused. If you visited 30 houses, do you still remember how the 11th house look like? Lots of people just keep on looking but then they can never make a decision, so the final result is that they give up and keep renting. So my suggestion is, set a date that you have to move and then make a decision before then.
The most important thing about a house is its location and structure, everything else can be changed, but you cannot move a house to somewhere else, and you cannot change its shape.
I prefer unfinished basement 'cause I can hire someone to finish it the way I want. It's not expensive to finish a basement. My basement was 1400 square feet, I hired the constructor to finish it. They made a large living room, a large bedroom, and a small storage room. Everything is completed for only 7000 dollars.
And the fence is cheap too. If you don't use wood, it will cost you only $2000, considering your neighbors will share the cost with you.

最初由 **Secret Girl** 发布
最初由 **Secret Girl** 发布


这可是一个很大的决定... 所以我比较慎重.. 哎.. 不过还真的比较难选...:( :(

take your time, this is a most expensive shopping in ur life.
my first house, took me one year......:D