If you are looking for ride from Ottawa to toronto on Saturday and you can join me in China Town "Kawloon Market @ 4pm or you looking for a ride back from toronto to Ottawa on Sunday and you can join me in Finch Subway Station @ 8:00pm or Scarbough town Center the entrance of the Cinema @ 8:20pm. The return time can be vary one hour earlier.
Please contact me @ (613) 863-8215
each trip $20
For the ride back to Ottawa "at the door step drop off". I am sorry that no pick ups
Please leave your Contact so I will wait for you.
My Car is Acura 1.6EL Can only take three people each trip. I will make a Stop @ Flying J Gas Station and planned for a 3.5 to 4 hours travel time.
Please contact me @ (613) 863-8215
each trip $20
For the ride back to Ottawa "at the door step drop off". I am sorry that no pick ups

Please leave your Contact so I will wait for you.
My Car is Acura 1.6EL Can only take three people each trip. I will make a Stop @ Flying J Gas Station and planned for a 3.5 to 4 hours travel time.