Located in Centre Nepean area. Less than one minute walk to bus 172 (coming ever 10 minutes in rash house). 5 minutes to Algonquin Woodroffe Campus and the OC Baseline Transit. 30 minutes to downtown,10 minutes to Bayshore shaping center by bus. Bedroom with wall closet, furnished with a Queen size bed, a dresser, office desk and chair. Using of main bath room/ laundry / cable TV/ kitchen.Available now or ASAP. $450/month. Looking for mature, quite, non-smoking male.
Contact Jing 613-228-0953 (after 6:00pm or leave message) or e-mail to jinglijing@yahoo.ca
Contact Jing 613-228-0953 (after 6:00pm or leave message) or e-mail to jinglijing@yahoo.ca