★ Departure
2:00 PM Mar 11, Ottawa
3:00 PM Mar 13, Waterloo
★ Pickup
Ottawa: 唐人街 NEW 168 Chinese supermarket (1050 Somerset)
Toronto: Scarborough Town centre
★ Drop off
Toronto: Scarborough Town centre
★ Available seats
3 (I usually take at most 3 adult guests, so your comfort during the long trip is guaranteed)
★ Driving experience
10+ years, G license
★ Vehicle
Toyota Camry
★ Fare
$25 one way ($30 from Waterloo)
$45 round trip
★ Contact
(613) 868 0688 (cell)
2:00 PM Mar 11, Ottawa
3:00 PM Mar 13, Waterloo
★ Pickup
Ottawa: 唐人街 NEW 168 Chinese supermarket (1050 Somerset)
Toronto: Scarborough Town centre
★ Drop off
Toronto: Scarborough Town centre
★ Available seats
3 (I usually take at most 3 adult guests, so your comfort during the long trip is guaranteed)
★ Driving experience
10+ years, G license
★ Vehicle
Toyota Camry
★ Fare
$25 one way ($30 from Waterloo)
$45 round trip
★ Contact
(613) 868 0688 (cell)