L loveCFC 知名会员 注册 2004-06-08 消息 11 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 111 2005-03-10 #1 Hi, i know it is a shame, but indeed i do not know how to do chinese writing here. anyone could kindly give me a hand on that? i am using windows 98; IE 5.5; thank you very much!!!
Hi, i know it is a shame, but indeed i do not know how to do chinese writing here. anyone could kindly give me a hand on that? i am using windows 98; IE 5.5; thank you very much!!!
L loveCFC 知名会员 注册 2004-06-08 消息 11 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 111 2005-03-10 #2 thank you Little_wolf. the IE 5.5 can read chinese. my problem is writing chinese in our CFC. now i can only do copy/paste. is most people here use 南极星 to type in chinese? any another freeware can do the same? or another way in which we do not need to do download? more help please!!!
thank you Little_wolf. the IE 5.5 can read chinese. my problem is writing chinese in our CFC. now i can only do copy/paste. is most people here use 南极星 to type in chinese? any another freeware can do the same? or another way in which we do not need to do download? more help please!!!
lushan 新手上路 注册 2004-06-23 消息 4,246 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2005-03-11 #3 去下载一个输入法 例如 智能abc阿 反正你用的习惯的就好 南极星不能用来输入
H http_www 知名会员 注册 2004-05-25 消息 485 荣誉分数 114 声望点数 153 2005-03-12 #9 the other choice is MS chinese IME can get it from microsoft
P parkdale 知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-08-22 消息 2,362 荣誉分数 227 声望点数 173 2005-03-12 #10 i used Richwin a few years ago