You cannot play DVD on my computer with TVout on your TV as there is an agreement among the industries. Try to play other media like VCD. It should be ok.
最初由 Emperor 发布 You cannot play DVD on my computer with TVout on your TV as there is an agreement among the industries. Try to play other media like VCD. It should be ok.
"Windows will allow displaying its desktop on a television, but DVD playback is not possible.
This is not an error: Today, most DVDs are “Macrovision” (MV7) protected. Any DVD software decoder will detect the MV7 protection key on your DVD, and it will then determine via Plug&Play, if a television set is connected to your display adapter. If both cases are true, the DVD decoder software must be stopped from operating. This is done to protect the film industry from piracy. Theoretically you could connect any VCR instead of your television to your display adapter ? neither the DVD decoder, nor Plug&Play would know the difference!
If you insist to display your DVD on a commercial television set, you should buy a regular DVD player. You can also obtain a VGA scan converter to connect your VGA card to a television via S-Video. Please be advised that Apollo does not sell scan converters, nor does Apollo condone the illegal reproduction of copyrighted material, and therefore will disclaim any responsibilities and liabilities in the event of misuse."
At last I found it. After playing around the setting now my TV can disply rmvb file or other video files.But new problem is coming, the sound comes out from my laptop but not the TV! Everything is perfect except for this little problem. Any DaXia has any idea?