重问need your help,thanks in advance


i can not remove Read-Only attribute from folders

My PC is virtually useless to me because all of my folders are marked
read only, therefore I cannot edit files in those folders. I have
tired to change the attribute of the folders so that they are no
longer read only, but I can't. The read only check box is checked with
a grayed out check.. However, I am able to de select the check mark,
but after I do that and then re open the folder the check is back
again. It's very frustrating. I am running Windows 2003 server

Of course you can't remove Read-Only attribute from folders. Even you create the folder yourself the Read-Only attribute always apply by the system.
The problem you can't edit your files is not because these attributes, it is maybe because your user account. Dubble check if the username you are using is belong to the administrators group or not.
Or, at least, check that folder's security tab. there must be a list of users. check if you are in the list and with what permissions., etc.
Also, if user want to save to the server from a network place, then you must check the folder's sharing tab, under this tab, there is a permission tab, check if your users are list there or not and with what permission selected, etc.
1. 打开control panel, 在management tools 里的 computer management里,选上local user and groups. 然后双击右边的Users文件夹。在打开的list中可以看到你登录的account,右击鼠标选properties, 然后在第二个tab隶属于里加上 Administrators. 就差不多了。

2. 如果第一种方案不行,就是你在安装win2003之前没有把前一个操作系统处理干净,解决方案是把现在的管理员account和password改成和前一个操作系统的管理帐号一致就行了
最初由 webeye 发布
Also, if user want to save to the server from a network place, then you must check the folder's sharing tab, under this tab, there is a permission tab, check if your users are list there or not and with what permission selected, etc.
users unable to save files on the network,because the attribute on that file is read only,
the files are write protected.
最初由 flyingcat 发布
the computer is 2003 server, used at work .
最初由 flyingcat 发布
1. 打开control panel, 在management tools 里的 computer management里,选上local user and groups. 然后双击右边的Users文件夹。在打开的list中可以看到你登录的account,右击鼠标选properties, 然后在第二个tab隶属于里加上 Administrators. 就差不多了。

2. 如果第一种方案不行,就是你在安装win2003之前没有把前一个操作系统处理干净,解决方案是把现在的管理员account和password改成和前一个操作系统的管理帐号一致就行了
users do not have full control on the folders,they can modify,read&execute,read,write,and list folder contents.
最初由 webeye 发布
Of course you can't remove Read-Only attribute from folders. Even you create the folder yourself the Read-Only attribute always apply by the system.
The problem you can't edit your files is not because these attributes, it is maybe because your user account. Dubble check if the username you are using is belong to the administrators group or not.
Or, at least, check that folder's security tab. there must be a list of users. check if you are in the list and with what permissions., etc.
Also, if user want to save to the server from a network place, then you must check the folder's sharing tab, under this tab, there is a permission tab, check if your users are list there or not and with what permission selected, etc.
on 2000 server there are no problems,all the files and folders moved to 2003 server,then i have a lot problems.
最初由 ndsids 发布
on 2000 server there are no problems,all the files and folders moved to 2003 server,then i have a lot problems.

Then you have to check the NTFS share permission and local permission as well.
read some doc about windows 2000/2003 move file between NTFS partition.
Again, don't stick to the "Read Only" attributes, that's not the problem at all.
the problem is for sure user permissions and file's share permissions.
you can also check the local policy to make sure if there is something you can configure.
to access the local policy: try this:
最初由 webeye 发布

Then you have to check the NTFS share permission and local permission as well.
read some doc about windows 2000/2003 move file between NTFS partition.
Again, don't stick to the "Read Only" attributes, that's not the problem at all.
the problem is for sure user permissions and file's share permissions.
you can also check the local policy to make sure if there is something you can configure.
to access the local policy: try this:
very close, thank you very much.