有人玩实况足球8 (中文)不?

~草莓的天空~ play WE?
我不是嗲嗲, we play WE quite a bit, 2 on 2, better find yourself a partner :D
怎么还要找partner的?不是1对1的吗? 对了,不是我,我不会玩,是我一个朋友,我住billings
not one on one, we play 2 on 2 :D
2 打 2?那就是看两个人的配合了的,行啊,切磋一下,你们是哪个学校的,我OU
use the splitter, you can have up to 8 controllers at the same time :s can't image how massed up that is :D

we are all Carleton students, or carleton grads :D
leave your number, so we can call you after exams