准备开个public Vent 25 位的~~


最近北美华人cs,越来越少。我们几个娱乐战队准备开个25人ventrilo。大家对cs 1.6和source 感兴趣的可以在里面idle. 人够了组个scrim,没事儿练练枪啥的。 目前我们有两个private 服务器location分为dallas and chicago, Ppl interested please reply post

Clan 5J & Friends 

Vent ip : port : pw will be posted within this week
i got bell 3m,I'm really interested...


超级期待加拿大本地的server啊!!!^^when the ip will be posted???PLZ!!!ASAP!
PLUS,there r really not a lot of people get in here everyday,,,u cannot hope 2 gather a lot of people LOL==
LOL,,,i come here time 2 time,,,really looking 4ward 2 the IP,LOL...
People r coming,but wat's the IP???
Yo,The IP=.="...PPl r coming...
i am so sorry guys for the hold up, my computer crashed, burned my amd athlon 3500 64bit.. CRYING! Speaking of which i am getting the vent done at the moment, we have a cal match tonite and i will be posting the vent ip ASAP!

THx for support

Vent ip : vs.BFGServers.com

port : 3802

Finally...don't got time 2day,,,g2g2 sleep but,I'll come 2moro,maybe with a buddy or wtever...THNX anyway!!!

(One question:THe server,is it alwaz on or only during a special periode of time of the day?)
W00t???I tried 2 type:connect vs.BFGServers.com:3802 in the in-game console,but it doesn't work~~have i done sth. wrong somewhere?Calling 4 help!!!

(I'm using CS1.6.Plus,wt does VENT means?)
最初由 BlahBlah 发布
Finally...don't got time 2day,,,g2g2 sleep but,I'll come 2moro,maybe with a buddy or wtever...THNX anyway!!!

(One question:THe server,is it alwaz on or only during a special periode of time of the day?)

Just go to www.ventrilo.com download page and download the newest client. After installation, u can enter u r name the ip and port u wonna connect its all there. GL

If u still have any questions contact me at azn_kqr@hotmail.com
OK,,,erm i got the VENT stuff and it works(I CAN HEAR PEOPLE TALKIN'),,,buh HOW am i suppose 2 play in ur server?