9月中, Riverside,近CU,OU的高层豪华公寓中的One bedroom找RMT[必看][已租出]


位于1755 Riverside Dr. Minto的高层豪华公寓中的one bedroom现找室友. 9月中旬可以入住, (9月免费). 房里是全地毯,大阳台,明亮宽敞,有两个很大的衣橱.包水电暖. 提供家具. 楼下步行半分钟到SMYTH车站,所有BUS都穿行于TRANSIT WAY.
4路15分钟到CU, 97,85路7分钟到OU和RIDEAU. 85到chinatown15分钟. 还有118,146,147,87路, 几乎所有的BUS在2分钟内可以到达Billing bridge 和Hurdman, 10分钟到South Key. 交通四通八达,快捷方便. 很适合CU和OU的学生居住.楼里有很多OU和CU的学生,加拿大本地和欧洲学生居多.

Nice one bedroom APT in 1755 Riverside Dr.(quiet deluxe building belongs to Minto) is available in Mid. of Sept. Bedroom is bright and clean with full carpet,a big balcony,two big cabinets including hydro and heating, some furnitures are offerred as your wish!

Smyth transitway bus station locates at downstairs(only 0.5 min walk from building). Couple of Buses stop there including No.4(to CU in 15 mins), No.97(to OU and Rideau Center in 6 to 7 mins), No.85(to Chinatown in 15 mins), No.118 to Kanata, No.87(to Mooney's Bay), No.146 and 147.... Almost all the buses transit along transitway,stop at South Key, Greenboro, billingsbridge(2 mins),hurdman(2 mins)...... Very fast and convenient. As I know, many students from Ottawa U. and Carleton U. live in this building.

因为是豪华公寓,里面设施齐备, 24小时的洗衣房,健身房,游泳池,网球场,以及单独的储物室,你可以将长期不用的东西放在那里. 楼道干净,宽敞,统一地毯. 室内PARKING,配有洗车设施. 是一个高质量的生活空间. 是学习和生活的好地方.

The Apt. belongs to Minto Inc. It is quite nice and clean with elegant public facilities and the best service,such as 24 hour laundry, exercise room with sports machines, outdoor swimming pool, outdoor tennis field, huge personal storage in basement, parking alot with car washing.....If you require a high quality living condition and quiet place to study, it is the best choice.

本人是CU女生, 想找一个爱学习,安静,NICE的RMT(最好是女生),一起住,男生也可以适当考虑. 房间和客厅随你选择, 房间每月430,客厅每月400, 水电暖全包,上网一起分摊. 九月中旬可以入住,(九月都免费).提供家具 希望最好长住. 价格可以再商量.欢迎来看房(请提前预约).

Need a quiet,clean,hardworking and nice person(female student preferred)(guys will be considered depends on person)to share with me(CU female student). Bedroom: $430/month, living room:$400/month. hydro and heating are included. Sharing the high speed internet. (Living in Sept. is free). I can offer you some furnitures. Price is negotiable if you are really interested. Long term living is welcome!

Please QQH me 或电话862-5214 for detail.
