ADM2337 Human Resource Management(Managing Human Resources Third Canadian Edition) Author: Luis R.Gomez-Mejia, David B.Balkin,Robert L.Cardy, David E.Dimick & Andrew J.Templer+All the Notes $60
ADM2302 Business Decision Models (Introduction to Management Science) Author: Frederick S.Hillier & Mark S.Hillier+ALl the Notes $65
PHI 1101 Reasoning and Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking An Introduction to The Basic Skills Fourth Edition) + All the Notes
and Tests $25
ECO 2113 Two Booklet(Canada's Balance of International Payments and Canadian International Merchandise Trade)+all the notes and tests $15
Please Contact: 276-6026 or QQH
ADM2337 Human Resource Management(Managing Human Resources Third Canadian Edition) Author: Luis R.Gomez-Mejia, David B.Balkin,Robert L.Cardy, David E.Dimick & Andrew J.Templer+All the Notes $60
ADM2302 Business Decision Models (Introduction to Management Science) Author: Frederick S.Hillier & Mark S.Hillier+ALl the Notes $65
PHI 1101 Reasoning and Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking An Introduction to The Basic Skills Fourth Edition) + All the Notes
and Tests $25
ECO 2113 Two Booklet(Canada's Balance of International Payments and Canadian International Merchandise Trade)+all the notes and tests $15
Please Contact: 276-6026 or QQH