



无限剑身特别能力: 在致命攻击时有机率性减少敌人的物理防御, 最大HP, 最大MP, 最大CP, 盾裨防御, PvP损伤被增加。一部分的伤害会反射给敌人,但如果伤害是来只技能或范围攻击的就会被豁免。
(注: 这个技能是由Hell Knight的英雄回报的。所以笔者假定所有典型使用剑的职业的英雄应该都会学得此技能。)

贵族幸运: 保佑他们在给狩猎首领袭击致死的情况下,掉落物品机率降低
贵族祝福: 允许受祝?的目标死后保留技能加持。但是, 并不能与贵族幸
贵族交响乐:汲取8种力量的力量发动一次强大范围攻击。使用80 MP 。
贵族调和: 汲取4 元素之力量发动一次强的范围攻击。使用50 MP 。
座龙围城攻击: 座龙对城堡门,墙壁进行强力的攻击 。只能在骑了座龙后,移动中使用 。威力5627。
召唤CP药水: 召唤20个CP药水。使用40颗精灵矿石。
建立高级的阵地: 在攻城战区建立高级阵地(血量为普通阵地2倍)。高级的阵地能帮盟友治疗并对敌人做成损伤。使300颗C宝石。
飞龙庇护: 立即增加玩家的物理防御和魔法防御。威力3 。只能在飞龙上使用。使用20 魔精石。



恢复之歌(?):减少队员技能回复时间一半 (太猛了)

幽灵之舞: 增加队员的魔法爆击率, 必须被装备双刀。
梅度沙之舞: 复苏梅度沙的灵魂,对周围的敌人施放石化的状态。(四章视频上见过)
(注:队伍静行术...h4x <-不明 =.=)

刚毅(76): 增强抵抗晕击和?痹,持续消耗MP 。
挡击姿态(77): 使用武器反射敌人的攻击。能将受到的一半伤害反射给敌人, 有机率性的将负面魔法反弹给敌人。自身的移动速度和命中会减少。连续消耗MP 。(舒服)
猎人之眼(77): 增量对虫, 植物群, 野兽的攻击力一段时间。
剑气冲击波???(?) -

刚毅(76): 增强抵抗晕击和?痹。持续消耗MP 。
装甲爆碎(77): 牺牲自身的HP发动一次强力攻击。令到敌方进入昏迷状态防御减低。必须被装备双手武器或钝器。可overhit。威力1973。
回避姿态(78 ): 用武器抵挡敌人的攻击。物理防御和魔法防御增加但移动速度和命中减少。持续消耗MP 。
地震(78 ): 牺牲自身的HP对周围的敌人发动一次强力攻击,造成巨大的损伤。可overhit 。必须装备长戟。(舒服)

挡击姿态(77): 使用武器反射敌人的攻击。能将受到的一半伤害反射给敌人, 有机率性的将负面魔法反弹给敌人。自身的移动速度和命中会减少。连续消耗MP 。(舒服)
????(?):对敌人发动专注攻击的同时能凝聚斗气。最高lvl 7 。必须装备拳刃武器


疾风昏击(?): 牺牲自身的HP对敌人发动?昏攻击 。立即令敌人造成伤害和休克减少回避。必须装备长戟 。可overhit。地震(78 ): 牺牲自身的HP对周围的敌人发动一次强力攻击,造成巨大的损伤。可overhit 。必须装备长戟。
猎人之眼(77): 增量对虫, 植物群, 野兽的攻击力一段时间。
屠宰者之眼(78 ): 增量本身对攻击对龙、魔法的种族(不知是不是这样译 =.=) 、巨人和食人族的攻击力量一段时间
回避姿态(78 ): 用武器抵挡敌人的攻击。物理防御和魔法防御增加但移动速度和命中减少。持续消耗MP 。

致死重击(76): 对敌人的弱点发动一次强力的攻击, 做成巨大损伤。
(注: 有好低的成功机率令到敌人的hp减到0)
虚张声势(77): 欺骗敌人显露其背面。立即攻击敌人令其进入昏迷状态。必须装备匕首
死亡聚焦(78): 对敌人的背面进行攻击时立即增加致命机率和力量。必须装备匕首。
机率聚焦(78): 对敌人的背面进行攻击时立即增加致命机率。必须装备匕首。

致死重击(76): 对敌人的弱点发动一次强力的攻击, 做成巨大损伤。
(注: 有好低的成功机率令到敌人的hp减到0)
虚张声势(77): 欺骗敌人显露其背面。立即攻击敌人令其进入个昏迷状态。必须装备匕首

致死重击(76): 对敌人的弱点发动一次强力的攻击, 做成巨大损伤。
(注: 有好低的成功机率令到敌人的hp减到0)
虚张声势(77): 欺骗敌人显露其背面。立即攻击敌人令其进入个昏迷状态。必须装备匕首

刚毅(76): 增强抵抗晕击和?痹。持续消耗MP 。
彻底盾击:用盾攻击同时封印敌人的物理攻击技能(强力攻击,击昏,横扫)。必须装备盾。用途53 MP 。
复仇(77): 当挑衅周围的敌人立即增加物防和魔防。技能使用时时不多移动
(注: 极防和挑剔的组合)
生命触觉(78):召唤神圣的力量回复目标的所有 HP
物理镜子(78): 反射敌人的物理攻击所造成效果一段时间时

刚毅(76): 增强抵抗晕击和?痹。持续消耗MP 。
复仇(77): 当挑衅周围的敌人立即增加物防和魔防。技能使用时时不多移动
(注: 极防和挑剔的组合)
彻底盾击:用盾攻击同时封印敌人的物理攻击技能(强力攻击,击昏,横扫)。必须装备盾。用途53 MP 。
死亡触觉(78): 发动一次强力的黑暗攻击。
物理镜子(78): 反射敌人的物理攻击所造成效果一段时间时

刚毅(76): 增强抵抗晕击和?痹。持续消耗MP 。
盾牌痛击(77): 用盾牌攻击令敌人昏迷。必须装备盾牌。使用35 MP 。
复仇(77): 当挑衅周围的敌人立即增加物防和魔防。技能使用时时不多移动
(注: 极防和挑剔的组合)
生命触觉(78):召唤神圣的力量回复目标的所有 HP
魔法镜子(78): 将魔法的攻击的效果反射给敌人一段时间。

刚毅(76): 增强抵抗晕击和?痹。持续消耗MP 。
盾牌痛击(77): 用盾牌攻击令敌人昏迷。必须装备盾牌。使用35 MP 。
复仇(77): 当挑衅周围的敌人立即增加物防和魔防。技能使用时时不多移动
(注: 极防和挑剔的组合)
死亡触觉(78): 发动一次强力的黑暗攻击。
魔法镜子(78): 将魔法的攻击的效果反射给敌人一段时间。

神秘之力(78):魔法力量最大化。魔法攻击和MP使用增加。 持续消耗HP 。

神秘之力(78):魔法力量最大化。魔法攻击和MP使用增加。 持续消耗HP 。


神秘之力(78):魔法力量最大化。魔法攻击和MP使用增加。 持续消耗HP 。

元素防护:一段时间内提升对火..水..风..地 属性的抗性
防御封锁(?):取消敌人的物理防御和魔法防御辅助, 减少他们的防御和防止敌人再接受物理防御和魔法防御辅助一段时间时期。
(注:使用70mp, 成功率很高)
(注: 维时2分钟。有齐战士, 狂暴, 火灵, 土气, 猎人全部的作用。 不肯定可不可跟歌舞重迭。)
神秘智慧(78):增加MP至最大效率。 玩家以牺牲施法速度及HP来增加MP回复和减少MP消耗 。

团体封锁风走 (?): 取消周围敌人的移动速度的buffs(应该是风走一类), 减低敌人移动速度和防止他们再接受移动速度的辅助一段时间时期。
团体封锁盾牌: 消除周围的敌人的物理防御和魔法防御辅助, 减少他们的防御和防止他们接受物理防御和魔法防御辅助一段时间时期。
平衡生命(77): 平衡队员的HP。使用60 MP 。没有区域极限。(应该是增加或者恢复不是平衡,但没有区域限止太夸张)

防御封锁(?):取消敌人的物理防御和魔法防御辅助, 减少他们的防御和防止敌人再接受物理防御和魔法防御辅助一段时间时期。
(注:使用70mp, 成功率很高)
风之预言(78): 立即增加目标的魔法攻击,施法速度,魔法爆击率同时减少MP使用。 用用72 mp 。
(注: 维时2分钟。有齐催化,命中和野性魔力。 不肯定可不可跟舞蹈重迭。)
神秘智慧(78):增加MP至最大效率。 玩家以牺牲施法速度及HP来增加MP回复和减少MP消耗 。

元素保护(76): 增加对火,水,风和地的抵抗力一段时期。
神秘智慧(78):增加MP至最大效率。 玩家以牺牲施法速度及HP来增加MP回复和减少MP消耗 。

帕格立欧之魂(?): 增加同盟成员魔法攻击力
疾病封印(76):集体的负面魔法技能, 减低敌人治愈能力及对魔法消除的抗性
神秘之力(78):魔法力量最大化。魔法攻击和MP使用增加。 持续消耗HP 。


胜利颂歌(?): 立即增加队员的物理攻击力、魔法攻击力、命中、攻速、施法速度、致命机率、致命威力和魔法爆击率
神秘智慧(78):增加MP至最大效率。 玩家以牺牲施法速度及HP来增加MP回复和减少MP消耗 。

自体变化狂击(76): 对敌人施放自体变化并造成伤害。威力1283。必须装备钝器。
装甲爆碎(77): 牺牲自身的HP发动一次强力攻击。令到敌方进入昏迷状态防御减低。必须装备钝器。可overhit。威力1973。
挡击姿态(77): 使用武器反射敌人的攻击。能将受到的一半伤害反射给敌人, 有机率性的将负面魔法反弹给敌人。自身的移动速度和命中会减少。连续消耗MP 。

装甲爆碎(77): 牺牲自身的HP发动一次强力攻击。令到敌方进入昏迷状态防御减低。必须装备钝器。可overhit。威力1973。
挡击姿态(77): 使用武器反射敌人的攻击。能将受到的一半伤害反射给敌人, 有机率性的将负面魔法反弹给敌人。自身的移动速度和命中会减少。连续消耗MP 。
回避姿态(78 ): 用武器抵挡敌人的攻击。物理防御和魔法防御增加但移动速度和命中减少。持续消耗MP 。地震(78 ): 牺牲自身的HP对周围的敌人发动一次强力攻击,造成巨大的损伤。可overhit 。必须装备长戟。

(注: 有好低的成功机率令到敌人的hp减到0)
腿窝射击(77): 发动攻击对敌人造成损伤和减慢敌人速度。必须装备弓。
(注: 增加回避8 约20 秒)

(注: 有好低的成功机率令到敌人的hp减到0)(一箭杀死??)
腿窝射击(77): 发动攻击对敌人造成损伤和减慢敌人速度。必须装备弓。


(注: 有好低的成功机率令到敌人的hp减到0)
腿窝射击(77): 发动攻击对敌人造成损伤和减慢敌人速度。必须装备弓。

战士诅咒(76): 取消敌人的攻速和移动速度辅助加持 。用途70 MP 。

战士诅咒(76): 取消敌人的攻速和移动速度辅助加持 。用途70 MP 。
术士使魔(?): 增加召唤兽的最大mp量,mp回复,魔法防御,魔法攻击及施法速度一段时间


Hero Skills
Special Ability Infinity Blade: Decreases enemy's p.def upon critical at a percentage, max HP, max MP, max CP, shield defense, PvP damage increased. Part of damage received is reflected onto the enemy, however, damage received from skills or ranged attacks are exempted.
(note: This skill was reported by a Hell Knight hero. I presume all typically-sword-users get the skill..)

This list is far from complete, and I'm told hero updates aren't complete on PTS yet.

Noblesse Skills
Fortune of Noblesse: Blesses the party with a fortune that reduces their chance of dropping items when dying to a raid boss. Uses 275 MP.
Blessing of Noblesse: Allows target to retain buffs upon death. However, Bless of Noblesse and Fortune status disappear. Uses 5 spirit ore.
Symphony of Noblesse: Draws from the power of 8 forces to launch a strong AoE attack. Uses 80 MP.
Harmony of Noblesse: Draws from the power of 4 elemetns to launch a strong AoE attack. Uses 50 MP.
Strider Siege Assault: Strider performs strong attack on Castle door, wall. Can only be used when on a strider. Power 5627.
Wyvern Aegis: Instantly increases player's P.Def and M.Def. Power 3. Can only be used when on a wyvern. Uses 20 spirit ore.
Summon CP Potion: Summons 20 CP postions. Uses 40 soul ore.
Build Advanced Headquarters: Builds headquarters with 2x HP in siege. Advanced Headquarters also heal friendly members and applies damage to enemies. Uses 300 C Grade gemstones.
Noblesses get added selection to places they can port to at the gatekeeper, including all Catacombs and Necropoli as well as floors 3,5,7,10,13 of ToI.
Noblesses receive a Noblesse Tiara upon finishing their Noblesse quest.
Participating in the Olympiad will get you olympiad points which are exchangeable for Blessed Enchant scrolls and some other items.

3rd Profession Skills

Common Skills
New skills common to all 3rd Professions (or so it seems)
Wisdom(76): Increases resistance against Hold and Sleep
Skill Mastery (77): Improves skill control.
At a low rate gives either a chance to:
a. use a skill immediately
b. increase its duration time if the skill is a buff, debuff or root/hold
(note: Randomly reduces a skill's cooldown time or increases its duration time. The change is 'noticeable'. Duration time increase is so crazy people are presuming it's bugged. i.e. 21 HOURS ..not minutes..hours. GG 21 hour stun..)

Class Specific Skills
Adventurer (Treasure Hunter)
Lethal Blow (76): Launches a strong attack on enemy's weakpoint, enabling great damage.
(note: chance of reducing enemy's hp to 0 at a very low success rate)
Bluff (77): Tricks the enemy into showing its back. Instantly puts the enemy in a stunned state. Must be equipped with a dagger.
(note: This skill works in PvP as well as PvE. The enemy is turned around (100%) and loses his/her target. The stun effect of the skill has a low landing rate, and breaks more easily than the usual stun. Cooldown time is 40 seconds.)

Arcana Lord (Warlock)
Warrior Bane (76): Cancels enemy's Atk.Spd and Movement speed buffs. Uses 70 MP.
Mage Bane (?): Cancels enemy's M.Atk and Casting Speed buffs
Warrior Servitor (?):
Final Servitor (?):

Archmage (Sorceror)
Fire Vortex (?): Launches a fire attack while simultaneously decreasing enemy's accuracy, resistance against fire attacks and drains his/her MP for a period of time.
Arcane Chaos (?): Instantly decreases enemy's Max HP and Cancels all buffs and debuffs.
Arcane Power (78):Maximizes magic power. M.Attack and MP usage increases. Continuously drains HP.

Cardinal (Bishop)
Mass Block WindWalk (77): Cancels surrounding enemies' movement speed buffs and prevents them from receiving mov.spd. buffs for a period of time.
Mass Block Shield (77): Cancels surrounding enemies' p.def and m.def buffs and prevents them from receiving p.def and m.def buffs for a period of time.
Balance Life (77):
(note: Balances out party members' HP. Costs approx. 60 MP. No limit to area.. works even if half the party is in giran and other half in TI..=.=.
Before -> After)
Divine Protection (77): Increases target's resistance against dark attacks for a period of time.
Arcane Wisdom (78):Maximizes efficiency of MP. Increases MP Regen and decreases MP usage while sacrificing player's casting speed and HP.

Dominator (Overlord)
Health (76) : Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Seal of Disease (76): AoE debuff. Decreases enemies' abilities to be healed and their resistance to cancel
Soul of Paagrio (77): Increases alliance members' m.attack.
Eye of Paagrio (?):
(note: I believe this is clan deathwhisper..)
Seal of Despair (78):Instantly decreases p.atk, m.atk, accuracy, atk.spd, casting speed, hp, crit rate and magic crit rate of surronding enemies.
Arcane Power (78):Maximizes magic power. M.Attack and MP usage increases. Continuously drains HP.

Doomcryer (Warcryer)
Chant of Spirit (77):Increases party members' resistance to cancel and debuffs for a period of time
Chant of Victory (78): Instantly increases party members' p.atk, m.atk, accuracy, atk.speed, casting speed, critical chance, critical power and magical crit rate
(note: 5 minute duration and 20 minute cooldown since the latest patch.)
Arcane Wisdom (78):Maximizes efficiency of MP. Increases MP Regen and decreases MP usage while sacrificing player's casting speed and HP.

Dreadnought (Warlord)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Shock Blast (77): Sends enemies a shock attack at the expense of player's HP. Instantly hits enemies with damage and puts them in a shocked state of reduced evasion. Must be used with polearm. Chance of overhit.
Eye of Hunter (77): Increases player's attack power against bugs, flora, beasts for a period of time.
Earthquake (78): Launches a strong attack at surrounding enemies that causes them to lose target at the expense of player's HP. Chance of critical. Chance of overhit. Must be used with polearm.
Eye of Slayer (78): Increases player's attack power against dragons, magic lifeforms, giants and ogres for a period of time
Parry Stance (78): Blocks enemy's attack using weapon. P.def and M.def increases while movement speed and accuracy decreases. Continuously drains MP.

Dualist (Gladiator)
Fortitude (76): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis. Continuously drains MP.
Riposte Stance (77): Reflects enemy's attack using weapon. Half of received damage is reflected. Chance of reflecting debuffs back onto the enemy. Player's movement speed and accuracy is reduced. Continuously drains MP.
Eye of Hunter (77): Increases player's attack power against bugs, flora, beasts for a period of time.
Sonic Rage (78):Launches a sonic attack at the enemy while simultaneously collecting energy. Possible upto 7 charges. Must be used with duals.
(note:very fast casting speed, range 400, uses 18 mp, did about 180-200 dmg on a SR with Maj set)
Eye of Slayer (78): Increases player's attack power against dragons, magic lifeforms, giants and ogres for a period of time

Elemental Master (Elemental Summoner)
Warrior Bane (76): Cancels enemy's Atk.Spd and Movement speed buffs. Uses 70 MP.
Wizard Servitor (?): Increases summon's Max MP, MP Regen, Mdef, M.Atk and Casting speed for a period of time
Final Servitor (?):

Eva's Saint (Elven Elder)
Health (76) : Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Elemental Protection (76): Increases resistance against Fire, Water, Wind and Earth attacks for a period of time.
Block Windwalk (77): Cancels enemy's movement speed buffs and prevents him/her from receiving mov.spd. buffs for a period of time.
Divine Protection (77): Increases target's resistance against dark attacks for a period of time.
Arcane Wisdom (78):Maximizes efficiency of MP. Increases MP Regen and decreases MP usage while sacrificing player's casting speed and HP.
Prophecy of Water (78): Instantly increases P.def, M.def, shield defense, shield block rate, evasion and increases the power of target's received heals for a period of time.
(note: approx. p.def +48%, m.def +100%, evasion +8. lasts 2 minutes)

Eva's Templar (Temple Knight)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Fortitude (76): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis. Continuously drains MP.
Shield Bash (77): Shield attack that stuns the enemy. Must be equipped with shield. Uses 35 MP.
Vengeance (77): Instantly increases P.Def and M.Def while taunting surrounding enemies. Movement is disabled while the skill is in effect.
(note: combination of Ultimate Defense and Hate aura)
Touch of Life (78): Conjures holy powers to rejuvenate all of target's HP
(note: reuse time approx. 30 minutes. Has very short casting range.. pretty much have to be right next to the target. Works on self.)
Magical Mirror (78): Reflects effects caused by magical attacks back on to enemy for a period of time.

Fortune Seeker (Bounty Hunter)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Spoil Crush (76): Simultaneously spoils and damages the enemy. Power 1283. Must be equipped with a blunt.
Armor Crush (77): Launches a strong attack at the expense of player's HP. Puts the enemy in a shocked state of decreased p.def. Must be equipped with a blunt. Chance of overhit. Power 1973.
Riposte Stance (77): Reflects enemy's attack using weapon. Half of received damage is reflected. Chance of reflecting debuffs back onto the enemy. Player's movement speed and accuracy is reduced. Continuously drains MP.

Ghost Rider (Abysswalker)
Lethal Blow (76): Launches a strong attack on enemy's weakpoint, enabling great damage.
(note: chance of reducing enemy's hp to 0 at a very low success rate)
Bluff (77): Tricks the enemy into showing its back. Instantly puts the enemy in a stunned state. Must be equipped with a dagger.
(note: This skill works in PvP as well as PvE. The enemy is turned around (100%) and loses his/her target. The stun effect of the skill has a low landing rate, and breaks more easily than the usual stun. Cooldown time is 40 seconds.)

Ghost Sentinel (Phantom Ranger)
Lethal Shot (76):Launches a strong attack at enemy's weak point. Chance of lethal attack. Chance of great damage. Chance of overhit. Must be equipped with a bow.
(note: chance of reducing enemy's hp to 0 at a very low success rate)
Hamstring Shot (77): Launches an attack that damages and slows the enemy. Must be used with a bow.

Grand Khavatari (Tyrant)
Riposte Stance (77): Reflects enemy's attack using weapon. Half of received damage is reflected. Chance of reflecting debuffs back onto the enemy. Player's movement speed and accuracy is reduced. Continuously drains MP.
Force Rage (78): Launches a force attack at the enemy while simultaneously collecting energy. Possible upto lvl 7. Must be used with fist weapon.

Hell Knight (Dark Avenger)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Fortitude (76): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis. Continuously drains MP.
Vengeance (77): Instantly increases P.Def and M.Def while taunting surrounding enemies. Movement is disabled while the skill is in effect.
(note: combination of Ultimate Defense and Hate aura)
Shield Slam (77): Shield attack that seals enemy's melee skills. Must be equipped with shield. Uses 53 MP.
Touch of Death (78): Launches a strong dark attack.
Physical Mirror (78): Reflects effects caused by melee attacks back onto the enemy for a period of time

Hierophant (Prophet)
Health (76) : Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Elemental Protection (76): Increases resistance against Fire, Water, Wind and Earth attacks for a period of time.
Block Windwalk (77): Cancels enemy's movement speed buffs and prevents him/her from receiving mov.spd. buffs for a period of time.
Block Shield (77):Cancels enemy's p.def and m.def buffs and prevents the enemy from receiving p.def and m.def buffs for a period of time.
(note: uses 70 mp. very high success rate)
Prophecy of Fire (78):Instantly increases P.Attack, accuracy, atk.spd, critical chance and power.
Divine Protection (77): Increases target's resistance against dark attacks for a period of time.
Arcane Wisdom (78):Maximizes efficiency of MP. Increases MP Regen and decreases MP usage while sacrificing player's casting speed and HP.

Maestro (Warsmith)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Armor Crush (77): Launches a strong attack at the expense of player's HP. Puts the enemy in a shocked state of decreased p.def. Must be equipped with a blunt. Chance of overhit. Power 1973.
Riposte Stance (77): Reflects enemy's attack using weapon. Half of received damage is reflected. Chance of reflecting debuffs back onto the enemy. Player's movement speed and accuracy is reduced. Continuously drains MP.
Parry Stance (78): Blocks enemy's attack using weapon. P.def and M.def increases while movement speed and accuracy decreases. Continuously drains MP.
Earthquake (78): Launches a strong attack at surrounding enemies that causes them to lose target at the expense of player's HP. Chance of critical. Chance of overhit. Must be used with polearm..

Moonlight Sentinel (Silver Ranger)
Lethal Shot (76):Launches a strong attack at enemy's weak point. Chance of lethal attack. Chance of great damage. Chance of overhit. Must be equipped with a bow.
(note: chance of reducing enemy's hp to 0 at a very low success rate)
Hamstring Shot (77): Launches an attack that damages and slows the enemy. Must be used with a bow.
Focus Skill Mastery (78):Increases chance of superior skills. Continuously drains MP.
(note: At this time it's completely unclear how this skill works. According to a Windrider it didn't seem to improve skill success rate nor skill damage.)
Evade Shot (78): Increases player's evasion while damaging the enemy. Must be equipped with bow. Chance of overhit.
(note: Increases evasion by 8 for about 20 seconds)

Myst Muse (Spellsinger)
Light Vortex (76): Launches a holy attack while simultaneously decreasing enemy's accuracy, resistance against holy attacks and drains his/her MP for a period of time. Power 139.
Ice Vortex (77): Launches an aqua attack while simultaneously decreasing enemy's movement speed, attack speed, resistance against aqua attacks and drains his/her MP for a period of time. Power 139
Arcane Chaos (?): Instantly decreases enemy's Max HP and Cancels all buffs and debuffs.
Arcane Power (78):Maximizes magic power. M.Attack and MP usage increases. Continuously drains HP.

Phoenix Knight (Paladin)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Fortitude (76): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis. Continuously drains MP.
Shield Slam (77): Shield attack that seals enemy's melee skills. Must be equipped with shield. Uses 53 MP.
Vengeance (77): Instantly increases P.Def and M.Def while taunting surrounding enemies. Movement is disabled while the skill is in effect.
(note: combination of Ultimate Defense and Hate aura)
Touch of Life (78): Conjures holy powers to rejuvenate all of target's HP
(note: reuse time approx. 30 minutes. Has very short casting range.. pretty much have to be right next to the target. Works on self.)
Physical Mirror (78): Reflects effects caused by melee attacks back onto the enemy for a period of time

Sagittarius (Hawkeye)
Lethal Shot (76):Launches a strong attack at enemy's weak point. Chance of lethal attack. Chance of great damage. Chance of overhit. Must be equipped with a bow.
(note: chance of reducing enemy's hp to 0 at a very low success rate)
Hamstring Shot (77): Launches an attack that damages and slows the enemy. Must be used with a bow.
Focus Skill Mastery (78):Increases chance of superior skills. Continuously drains MP.
(note: At this time it's completely unclear how this skill works. According to a Windrider it didn't seem to improve skill success rate nor skill damage.)

Shillien Saint (Shillien Elder)
Health (76) : Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Arcane Protection (76):Increases resistance to cancel and debuffs for a period of time.
(note: resisted 4/5 equal level sorc's cancels, accroding to a PTS Shillien Saint)
Block Windwalk (77): Cancels enemy's movement speed buffs and prevents him/her from receiving mov.spd. buffs for a period of time.
Block Shield (77):Cancels enemy's p.def and m.def buffs and prevents the enemy from receiving p.def and m.def buffs for a period of time.
(note: uses 70 mp. very high success rate)
Prophecy of Wind (78): Instantly increases target's m.atk, casting speed, magic crit rate while reducing mp usage. Uses 72 mp.
Arcane Wisdom (78):Maximizes efficiency of MP. Increases MP Regen and decreases MP usage while sacrificing player's casting speed and HP.

Shillien's Templar (Shillien Knight)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Fortitude (76): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis. Continuously drains MP.
Shield Bash (77): Shield attack that stuns the enemy. Must be equipped with shield. Uses 35 MP.
Vengeance (77): Instantly increases P.Def and M.Def while taunting surrounding enemies. Movement is disabled while the skill is in effect.
(note: combination of Ultimate Defense and Hate aura)
Touch of Death (78): Launches a strong dark attack.
Magical Mirror (78): Reflects effects caused by magical attacks back on to enemy for a period of time.

Soul Taker (Necromancer)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Dark Vortex (76): Vampiric attack that gives back to the caster 50% of damage, that simultaneously carries the effect of Surrender to Darkness
Mass Warrior Bane (77): Cancels enemy's Atk.Spd and Movement speed buffs on enemies in immediate area. Uses 105 MP.
Curse of Doom (77): Instantly seals enemy's melee and magic attacks. Uses 70 MP. Casting range is 600.
Mass Mage Bane (78): Cancels enemy's M.Atk and Casting Speed buffs in surrounding area.
Curse of Abyss (78): Instantly decreases enemy's P.Atk, M.Atk, Accuracy, Movement speed, Atk.Speed, Casting speed
Arcane Power (78):Maximizes magic power. M.Attack and MP usage increases. Continuously drains HP.

Spectral Dancer (Bladedancer)
Dance of Siren (78): Increases party members' critical rate on magical attacks. Must be equipped with duals.
Dance of Shadow (77):
(note: party Silent Move buff.. h4x)
Dance of Medusa (77): Resurrects the spirit of Medusa. Instantly puts surrounding enemies into a fossilized state. Must be equipped with duals.
(note:unlike paralyze, players and monsters in fossilized state cannot be attacked)

Spectral Master (Phantom Summoner)
Mage Bane (?): Cancels enemy's M.Atk and Casting Speed buffs
Assasin Servitor (?): Increases summon's Movement speed, Critical chance, Power and Vampiric abilities for a period of time.
Final Servitor (?):

Storm Screamer (Spellhowler)
Dark Vortex (76): Vampiric attack that gives back to the caster 50% of damage, that simultaneously carries the effect of Surrender to Darkness
Wind Vortex (77): Launches a wind attack and simultaneously reduces enemy's resistance against wind, moment speed, and casting speed as well as draining their MP for a period of time. Chance of overhit.
Arcane Power (78):Maximizes magic power. M.Attack and MP usage increases. Continuously drains HP.

Sword Muse (Swordsinger)
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Song of Meditation (77): Increases party members' MP regen rate
Song of Renewal (77): Decreases party members' skill reuse time by half
Song of Champion (?): Decreases party members' skill MP usage

Titan (Destroyer)
Fortitude (76): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis. Continuously drains MP.
Health (76): Increases resistance against Poison and Bleed
Armor Crush (77): Launches a strong attack at the expense of player's HP. Puts the enemy in a shocked state of decreased p.def. Must be equipped with 2H weapon or blunt. Chance of overhit. Power 1973.
Parry Stance (78): Blocks enemy's attack using weapon. P.def and M.def increases while movement speed and accuracy decreases. Continuously drains MP.
(note: stats, before and after)
Earthquake (78): Launches a strong attack at surrounding enemies that causes them to lose target at the expense of player's HP. Chance of critical. Chance of overhit. Must be used with polearm..

Wind Rider (Plainswalker)
Lethal Blow (76): Launches a strong attack on enemy's weakpoint, enabling great damage.
(note: chance of reducing enemy's hp to 0 at a very low success rate)
Bluff (77): Tricks the enemy into showing its back. Instantly puts the enemy in a stunned state. Must be equipped with a dagger.
(note: This skill works in PvP as well as PvE. The enemy is turned around (100%) and loses his/her target. The stun effect of the skill has a low landing rate, and breaks more easily than the usual stun. Cooldown time is 40 seconds.)
Focus Skill Mastery (78):Increases chance of superior skills. Continuously drains MP.
(note: At this time it's completely unclear how this skill works. According to the Windrider it didn't seem to improve skill success rate nor skill damage.)
Focus Death (78): Instantly increases critical chance and power to attacks on enemy's back. Must be used with dagger.
Focus Chance (78): Instantly increases critical chance to attacks on enemy's back. Must be used with dagger.
(note:We don't know yet how Focus Death and Focus Chance works yet. i.e.Whether they are buffs, whether they stack..etc. The Windrider didn't have enough SP to learn either of them.)

*The reason I have so much info on some classes over others is because it highly depends on whether there's a nice informative player playing that class. (Two in particular have been very helpful. One's a Wind Rider the other is a Soul Taker.) If only all classes were so lucky... t.t.

3rd Profession Enchant Options

Power: Increased damage or effectiveness
Time: Usually means Increased Duration time (sometimes means decreased casting time)
Chance: success rate increased
Speed: Decreased reuse time
Cost: Decreased mana cost
All Buffs (buffs, chants, paagrios, dances, songs etc.): Time, Cost

Accuracy: Cost
Alter: Time, Speed
Aura Bolt: Power, Cost
Aura Flare: Power, Cost
Burst Shot: Power, Cost
Curse Deathlink: Power, Cost
Crush of Doom: Power, Cost
Deflect Arrow: Time, Cost
Death Spike: Power, Cost
Double Shot: Power, Cost
Fatal Strike: Power, Cost
Force Storm: Power, Cost
Hammer Crush: Chance (increases chance of stun), Cost
Hate: Power, Cost
Haste: Time, Cost
Hurricane: Power, Cost
Hurricane Assault: Power, Cost
Iron Whirl: Time, Cost
Prominence: Power, Cost
Rapid Shot: Time, Cost
Recharge:Power, Cost
Shield Fortress: Power, Cost
Sanctuary: Chance, Cost
Soul of Sagittarius: Time, Cost
Shield Stun: Speed, Cost
Spirit Barrier: Time, Cost
Spinning Slasher: Power, Cost
Steal Essence: Power, Cost
Tempest: Power, Cost
Vampiric Claw: Power, Cost
Viscious Stance: Power, Cost

Other New Skills
Summoner skills. See this thread for details.
It's been confirmed that Warcryers get Chant of Soul and Chant of Body (Bless the Soul and Bless the Body for parties)
There are also new Common Craft Skills, and Fishing skills. Please consult the PTS notes for these.

Changes to Existing Skills
Beserker Spirit and Rage of Paagrio now increase Movement Speed as well as P.Atk, M.Atk and Casting speed. However, they now decrease M.Def as well as P.Def.
Destroyers have reported that Crush of Doom now does double the damage and Fatal Strike now does nearly 3000 dmg at max.
这个版本还算好一点。。。 看过一个圣骑士死后自爆造成伤害+回复队友hp的。。。