indoor soccer game start!!!


Hi Guys,
since a few of you had called me for the information about the indoor games for this winter I decided to rent the same place we played last year ,Meadowlands Public school,and believe it or not
it's still available!! It will start from November to May next year on ever Friday night.

So anyone who want to play indoor soccer this winter should reply to my email( with your name, phone number and commitment level(fulltime regular player, half time player or drop-in player)....


up!count me in.drop-in or half time
So far up to yesterday, I have 10 people committed full time player and couple people
tend to be drop-in or half-time players, It's highly possible more players are going to join
,We will definitely play this winter and .My goal is still the same..we are looking for 12 to
16 regular players.. So based on last years renting fee...each player are expected to pay 60
to 80 dollars depending on the final number of people in the team. The deadline for joining
the team will be the end of October or we have a full roster(16 people).

The season will start on November 4, from 8:00PM to 10:00PM every Friday. I will post
the full schedule when I get the contract paper.

Again, if you want to play this winter, contact me by email..the team roster will be full very soon...

Some changes has been made..First we relocated to Sir Winston Churchill E.S which has much bigger
GYM(530 Square meters)..and we play on Saturday afternoon(from 2:00PM to 5:00PM).

you still need to let me konw even you are planning as drop-ins..since we need to figure out how many
people will show for each me for more details..

125 dollars(23 games) for fulltime and 68 dollars for half time players(12
games), and pay me by cash 7 dollars for drop-ins..
for halftimes and drop-ins, feel free to change back to fulltime at
team schedule:

05-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
12-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
19-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
26-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
03-Dec_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
10-Dec_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
17-Dec_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
14-Jan_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
21-Jan_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
28-Jan_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
04-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
11-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
18-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
25-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
04-Mar-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
11-Mar-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
25-Mar-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
01-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
08-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
22-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
29-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
13-may-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
27-may-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
Is it too late for me?

最初由 vandrifter 发布
team schedule:

05-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
12-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
19-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
26-Nov_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
03-Dec_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
10-Dec_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
17-Dec_05 02:00PM―05:00PM
14-Jan_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
21-Jan_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
28-Jan_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
04-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
11-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
18-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
25-Feb_06 02:00PM―05:00PM
04-Mar-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
11-Mar-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
25-Mar-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
01-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
08-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
22-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
29-Apr-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
13-may-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
27-may-06 02:00PM―05:00PM
We still have 2 or 3 places left for fulltime either can send me email( or just come to the first game tomorrow(Saturday afternoon...)
here is the details..

indoor GYM
Sir Winston Churchill E.S
(49 Mulvagh St. Nepean)

start November 5, every Saturday from 2:00PM to 5:00PM


full time player send me a check
of 125 dollars(23 games) and 68 dollars for half time players(12 games), and pay me by cash 7 dollars for drop-ins..
We have about 18 people last time...three teams...quite a workout for some new comers.
since it's three hour play so everyone got more than enough balltime...try to bring
extra shirts, it's could be very sweaty.. You need indoor soccer shoes, no cleats. wearing
sneaker is OK,can't get good grip though..

If you play drop-in just come and pay me 7 bucks,I am not carrying exchanges..So
try to pay me exact amount..appreciated.. My suggestions for drop-ins...if you figure that
you have good chance play at least 12 games this winter(until next May) it's cheap to be a half time
instead of 7 dollars a's up to you...
