[寻找] 12月能入住的室友(各位大大帮忙传传)


[开坛元勋] lovely ~Luke
我现在有两室一厅,,想找一个室友,房子在baseline,水电热气费包含在内,有地下储藏室一个,房间也有足够放物地方。厨房用具差不多,(没有得大家可以一起share)室内带部分家具(共用的)。楼下有洗衣房,使用方便。离Algonquin College和接近完工的大型Shoping Mall近(不是近,而是过街就到).楼下是118路汽车站,距Baseline 汽车总站只一站之遥,那里有去往卡而顿和DOWNTOWN等各处的公车(走去也不算远吧),而且去carleton 有一最快方法,假如是carleton的学生,到时我们一起去学校。11月中旬开始随时可以入住。只要合得来,厅价格300最低,房间330,可以谈,假如你感兴趣。留下电话或直接留言,我会以最快速度回复你。
I really think its too expensive for living in the living room~~ you should know usually the price for living room is around 200$ before it was even less. I can accept the price around 200$.
but if u know how much i rent it ,u will know it's cheap.don't think it as your room.don't forget the owner of your room is a business man.he doesn't care how much he received from u.because he just wanna a person like u to live with him.moreover,please check find out the website about renter,u 'll find out how much for a two-bedroom apart.if u can find a living room around 200,u can get there.
but,please don't disturb me more.i didn't do something wrong to u and i don't know who u r.why u always disturb me from my web to my call?if somebody asked u to do that,how much did she pay u?tell me,i can give u some of that money.but don't listen to her.excepting her,we r all Chinese.

if somebody else think the living room is expensive,i just can say i wanna rent the bedroom.because i can't pay much more just because somebody to come.but if u r really interested in my room.tell me.i'll talk to u.
hey, see what you're saying, what did you mean? -"please don't disturb me more.i didn't do something wrong to u and i don't know who u r.why u always disturb me from my web to my call?if somebody asked u to do that,how much did she pay u?tell me,i can give u some of that money.but don't listen to her.excepting her,we r all Chinese."
what are you thinking about "she"?......ok, listen, my name on this website is Karen1. i only called you once before, but we didn't get deal with each other, then that's all. i didn't bother you anymore even pay any money to ask someone to bother your web...you know, what i'm thinking is manybe you did things like this to someone before, then you think others will do this stupid thing like you??????......you're really crazy thinking!!!!!!!!!......you think Canada is your country,
the stupid money can do everything like you did backhome???????? ........stop stupid thinking!!!!!!
clear your mind!!!!!!!!!
hey,what did u stupid thinking?did i say something to u?i did say another one.if u wanna konw?u can c my web.i talked about her there in one of these bbs.so don't think of that 's yourself.
u r fucking stupid.
if i wanna say u,i'll say your name,but i don't that one's name on this website.
stupid girl of a bitch,what did u think?canada is your country?the stupid money can do everything like you did backhome???????? ........stop stupid thinking!!!!!!
clear your mind!!!!!!!!!
bitch,shut up your fucking mouth!!!!!
shit, fuch your mouth.......even i misunderstand, but i didn't say any dirty words to you, right?
close your mouth........
u know waht?i was thinking u had a apart in the situation as me now.so u disturb me just to stop others to live with me. did u always do that ?or did u always do something bad to others,that's why u always think others do say bad to u?thing of yourself.thanx.stupid!!
i always check here because i want to change room, but i saw nobody answer you before except me. so that's why i reply you.
anyway, i never want to make enemy with anyone...... so that's it.
so thanx a lot.i don't wanna it as well.
so i 'm sorry for that.i just so angry when i saw your reply.
sorry, me too. wish you will find good partner to live with you and your friend..
good luck......

