
I have one bedroom in a three bedrooms apartment is availble from now to Dec.14th. If you only want to live for 1 month the price is 410 include tvcable and telcable, no internet cable. One clean single bed and a big desk can be used. The position is on Bayshore Drive. If you are interested in. please call me ASAP.
if you are a girl, email me. 350/m. BTW, I'm a girl too.
我家house有一间房, 靠近alongquin college, 两个大人一个小孩,所以你可独用卫生间. 包水电暖气, $380/月, 也可单天算. 如感兴趣, 请联系: Helen 613-862-7305(cell phone), 613-825-2065(home, at night)
we(a couple, no kids) bought a house few weeks, it's close to Algonquin about 10 minutes walking distance(right near the Nepean Library).
the room is very clean, and easy to reach anywhere of the city. if you have interesting, pls contact with us.

the house have 4 rooms, so you can choose the room you want.
any question let us know. if you call in while there's nobody in, pls leave you message to us, we will contact with you as soon as possible. Thanks!
or you can use email.
have a great night!
one bedroom available from Dec.1,2002 to Jan.15,2003.

call: 613-2247265
最初由 后悔没跟你一起 发布
我有一间屋子出租,十分便宜,每月290 元全包,从12,15 号开始,到一月中旬,如果你有兴趣,请告诉我你的联系方式。
如有意请与8623383 联系,找STEVE