Room(s) in 1 bedroom apt for rent. The apartment is in 16th floor of
a highrise in downtown area, 5 mins bus to the UOttawa, and 1 min walk
to the bus station, which is pretty nice in the freezing winter. Now, 2
UOttawa students live there. Both of us are leaving the country for
summer vocation, and my roomate will never be back, since she finishes
the school, so basicly I am looking for a roomate. Living in the
bedroom or living room is at your choise. Living room and bedroom are
pretty seperated. The room is furnitured with TV set.
A clean, organized, quiet and non-smoke student will be preferred.
$340 for the bedroom, or $320 for the living room, and shared interenet
and tv cable.
The address of the apartment is 1525 Alta Vista Dr.
a highrise in downtown area, 5 mins bus to the UOttawa, and 1 min walk
to the bus station, which is pretty nice in the freezing winter. Now, 2
UOttawa students live there. Both of us are leaving the country for
summer vocation, and my roomate will never be back, since she finishes
the school, so basicly I am looking for a roomate. Living in the
bedroom or living room is at your choise. Living room and bedroom are
pretty seperated. The room is furnitured with TV set.
A clean, organized, quiet and non-smoke student will be preferred.
$340 for the bedroom, or $320 for the living room, and shared interenet
and tv cable.
The address of the apartment is 1525 Alta Vista Dr.