Marriage licences
Thinking about getting married? In Ontario, you must have a marriage licence to legally start your new life together. To obtain a marriage licence, ensure both you and your partner meet the criteria below, and then simply visit the nearest Client Service Centre.
You may want to download and print the marriage licence application form directly from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services' Web site, prior to your visit.
Make sure both partners sign the application form before attending in person. If you and your partner have included all the required information, your marriage licence can usually be issued the day of your visit.
The Details
Either partner may attend in person and make application. The marriage application form must be signed by both parties and presented with two pieces of original valid identification, as outlined below, for both parties in order for a marriage licence to be issued. Copies will not be accepted. If any of your identification is in a language other than English or French, an official translation of the document is required. Please contact Client Service Centre staff by e-mail or call 3-1-1 for further details.
The first piece of identification must be any of the following:
a birth certificate*, including any change of name certificates *(see age requirements below); or
a valid passport; or
a record of immigrant landing; or
a Canadian citizenship card.
The second piece of identification must be in the form of a government-issued photo identification. Acceptable identification includes:
a valid driver's licence; or
a valid passport; or
a BYID age-of-majority-card.
The City of Ottawa does not accept health cards as a form of photo identification.
Age requirements
If you are 21 years of age or older, proof of identity as outlined above is required.
If you are under 21, proof of age in the form of a birth certificate is the only acceptable first piece of identification. Any of the second pieces of government-issued photo identification described above must also be presented.
If you are 16 or 17 years of age, parental consent is a must. Please contact Client Service Centre staff by e-mail or call 3-1-1 for further details.
A person under the age of 16 is not permitted to marry in the Province of Ontario.
The City of Ottawa issues marriage licences to all eligible couples. Same-sex couples have been receiving marriage licences since June 11, 2003, following the June 10, 2003 Ontario Court of Appeal decision making same-sex marriages legal in Ontario.
A marriage licence is valid for use anywhere in Ontario for three months after its issue date. If you plan to marry outside of the province or the country, be sure to verify the requirements for the appropriate jurisdiction.
Marriage after divorce
If you were divorced in Canada, you must provide the original or a court-certified copy of your certificate of divorce, final decree or final judgement. Photocopies will not be accepted. A certified copy of your certificate of divorce may be obtained from the court office that granted the divorce. All documents will be returned.
If you were divorced outside of Canada, you must obtain authorization from the Minister of Government Services before a marriage licence can be issued to you. Visit the Ministry of Government Services Web site or call 1-800-461-2156 to learn how to obtain this authorization.
When applying for a marriage licence, you are required to certify information under oath. If you do not understand or are not able to read English or French, please bring an interpreter to assist you.
There are no limitations on citizenship or residency when applying for a marriage licence in Ontario.
Health analysis
Blood tests and medical certificates are not necessary for marriage licence application in Ontario.
Licence fee
The City of Ottawa charges a $135 service fee for a marriage licence. This fee is payable by cash, Interac, Visa or MasterCard. Cheques are not accepted. Marriage licence fees are non-refundable.
Office hours
Marriage licence application forms may be downloaded from the Ministry of Government Services Web site, or picked-up in person at any Client Service Centre. Should you wish to obtain a licence the same day, please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes prior to close.
The City of Ottawa now offers civil marriage ceremonies at Ottawa City Hall. Previously, only Judges and Justices-of-the-Peace were allowed to solemnize civil marriages. Ceremonies, available in either English or French, are simple and dignified. The solemn service lasts approximately 20 minutes.
Want to know more?
For more information about marriage licences, contact Client Service Centre staff by e-mail or call 3-1-1. To find out how to register your marriage or obtain a marriage certificate, visit Ontario's Ministry of Government Services or call 1-800-461-2156.