[问题] 在这里配眼镜总共需要多少钱?配眼镜的相关费用还需要交税吗,请问???

$150-$400,depends on the quality. No tax. But you must have a prescription.
I had one from Laura Optical three years ago, it was 260. No tax. FYI.
最初由 dding 发布
I had one from Laura Optical three years ago, it was 260. No tax. FYI.

Including eye exam?? thanks for your info.
Prescription (eye exam) is not the business of optical store. You have to find an ophthalmologist to issue a prescription for you. It usually costs $50, but it may be covered by your issurance. Check your issurance policy before you make the oppintmant. It used to be covered by the Government, but was canclled 2 years ago. Now the Government covers younth (under 19-year old) and senior (65 up) once only every two years.
At 2003, eye exam was covered by OHIP. But now you have to pay.