[问题] how can i transfer songs (only sound track) from my cd to mp3 player?

Very simple. Use windows media player to save your cd into mp3 format
最初由 heureux 发布
Very simple. Use windows media player to save your cd into mp3 format

Thank you very much, but can you tell me some details? I have tried, but couldn't find the way to do it...

thank u very much!!
最初由 heureux 发布
Very simple. Use windows media player to save your cd into mp3 format
Just checked, windows media player can only save your audio to wma format. You need a plug-in in order to save to mp3 format.

Actually, I use audiograb to do the job. I can send you a copy bu email if you want. It is about 3MB in size.
最初由 heureux 发布

Just checked, windows media player can only save your audio to wma format. You need a plug-in in order to save to mp3 format.

Actually, I use audiograb to do the job. I can send you a copy bu email if you want. It is about 3MB in size.

thanks a lot. wma should be ok. can you tell me now to save it to wma format? i couldn't do it, 'cause the "save as" option is grey and inactive. thank you.
Step 1:

Insert youe music CD into the CD Drive;
Start your Windows Media Player;
Click "Copy from CD" in the left hand side bar:
Step 2:

Click the "tool" menu;
Choose the "option" item
Step 3:

Click the "Copy Music" Tab;
Click the "Change" "File Name" botton to choose a directory to save your wma file;
Choose the bitrate;
Click "Start Copy"
heureux: 真得太感谢你了!!!花费这样的时间和精力来回答我的问题,很有些感动啊 :crying:
呵呵,小菜一牒啦。 如果你是很喜欢转音乐,我可以把 audiograb 传给你!
最初由 heureux 发布
呵呵,小菜一牒啦。 如果你是很喜欢转音乐,我可以把 audiograb 传给你!

thank you. if it's a shareware, then i should be able to download it online, can I?