
OTI 现有下列工作机会,欢迎大家自荐申请。参加过华侨服务处求职班的学员可与华侨服务处联系推荐。
联系电话:613 235 3942

Relocation Technicians
Job Type: Part-time
Date Posted: October 19, 2006
Job Title: Relocation Technicians
Employer Information: Confidential

Description: We require 70 individuals for this project. The work will take place between Nov. 2 and Nov.7th.

Qualifications: Desktop Relocation Technicians (45)
Pay rate: $15.00/hour
Knowledgeable of computer components;
Can follow instructions;
Attention to detail;
Can lift 25 ?30 pounds
Duties: Assist with de-install and package of desktops and peripheral devices for shipment at source location and to re-install desktops and peripheral devices at final destination; (setup scripts and procedures will be available).

Server Relocation Technicians (25)
Pay rate: $15.00/hour
Good understanding of server technology;
Familiar with rack-mount server configuration;
Capable of dismantling and re-constructing server racks.
Duties: De-install and re-install rack-mount servers.
Work Schedule: November 02, 2006 ?November 07, 2006.

Workday hours are to be determined, however, the intention is to continue the de-install activities on Friday and the re-install activities on Saturday and Sunday until the work is complete. It is anticipated that 4 individuals will be requested to work normal business hours on the Monday and Tuesday to provide post relocation support.

Compensation Range: $15 an hour
To Apply: Resume must include:

Contact information where you can be reached.
Minimum of 2 references from recent assignments described in resume and their contact information.
Days available to work.
Send resume to consulting@ottawatalentinitiative.ca

Contact Info: HR
Tel: 613-254-9914
E-mail: consulting@ottawatalentinitiative.ca