BM hunter 最大DPS输出 终极配点方案(转)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Riven
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The typical 41/20 BM build for DPS at 70, with the reasoning behind the usual talent choices:

Things you'll want from BM:

  • Improved Aspect of the Hawk - This is a worthwhile DPS talent for BM hunters, even if it pushes your speed up past 1.5sec. That may mean you're not getting full benefit from the haste, but it is causing you to be hasted more than you otherwise would be.

    Focused Fire - Apart from the kill command crit boost, 2% damage increase while your pet is out is good value for two talent points.

    Improved Revive Pet - As BM, your pet is a good 1/4 to 1/3 of your damage output. If it happens to die while there's a good bit of time left in the fight, this talent makes it viable (and worthwhile) to combat rez.

    Unleashed Fury / Ferocity - These talents are straight up damage boosts for your pet. Take them.

    Improved Mend Pet - Cheaper healing for your pet, and it cleanses debuffs. It's a big help for pet survivability.

    Bestial Discipline (and Go for the Throat in the MM tree) - When you have a pet with a 'focus dump' ability (any attack with no cooldown - Claw, Gore, Lightning Breath, etc), feeding your pet extra focus from Bestial Discipline and Go for the Throat results in more damage.

    Intimidation - Not really useful in bossfights, but for a single point this is a must-have talent. On trash pulls gone awry, or when you're soloing, having a stun that also gives your pet a large amount of threat can be invaluable.

    Animal Handler - The mounted movement speed doesn't matter; the real reason serious BM hunters take this talent is the +hit for your pet. There's no other way to buff it, and your pet misses a *lot* against bosses. Current testing suggests that 2/2 Animal Handler and 4/5 Frenzy is the optimal setup for pet damage.

    Frenzy - An obvious choice. The only reason you don't want 5/5 here is that (especially with Cobra Reflexes) 4/5 is enough to keep Frenzy going, and the extra point is not worth giving up a point of Mortal Shots.

    Bestial Wrath - One of the defining talents of the BM tree. Don't think any more needs to be said.

    Serpent Swiftness - 20% passive haste is simply amazing. This talent is the reason that BM is the post-BC damage powerhouse it is.

    The Beast Within - You do not show pity or remorse or fear, and you cannot be stopped unless killed. Rawr.

Things you'll want from Marks:

  • Lethal Shots - 5% crit is a really big damage boost. This one is a no brainer.

    Improved Hunter's Mark - Not really a requirement, but if you don't regularly run with another hunter who does have it, this might be a better choice than Efficiency. A BM hunter using an Auto/Steady rotation is already pretty mana efficient, and IHM will give all melee attacking your target (including your pet, and any other hunter pets) a nice AP boost. If you do usually run with a hunter who has this, go ahead and take Efficiency instead.

    Go for the Throat - More pet focus -> more damage. See Bestial Discipline above.

    Rapid Killing - The buff when you get a killing blow is mostly irrelevant. The real benefit here is reduced cooldown on Rapid Fire, which lets you use RF more often in conjunction with BW/TBW and your Bladefist's Breadth (or other on-use attack power trinket).

    Aimed Shot - Well, honestly, though it can be useful with Misdirection the real reason you want Aimed is to be able to take...

    Mortal Shots - This talent is DPS gold. Any hunter spec trying to get the most damage out of their available points should include it. Normally, a 1k hit will crit for 2k. With full points in Mortal Shots, it will instead crit for 2.3k. This talent is also why most raiding BM hunters take 4/5 Frenzy (or 1/2 Animal Handler). Taking more than 41 points in the BM tree means losing points from Mortal Shots, and that's just not worth it.

Stuff that isn't included:

  • Endurance Training - It's nice to have, but if you're trying to squeeze out as much DPS from your spec as you can, there's just no room for it. You'll still need one filler point in either this, or...

    Thick HIde - Falls into the same category as ET. Nice to have, especially while levelling, but there are better places to put the points if you're looking to build for damage.

    Spirit Bond - Not a bad talent, and over a long fight it can give you more HP than many people might think, but you might get more benefit out of it in PvP (where you'll be gearing for a larger health pool anyway). If you really do want to take it, trade off with Improved Mend - don't give up any talents further down in the BM tree, and *definitely* don't give up Mortal Shots.

    Catlike Reflexes - Dodge chance is nice and all, but this does nothing for your damage potential and isn't really necessary.

    Improved Arcane Shot - This is a useful talent for Marks hunters who want to fine-tune their shot rotation, but not really worthwhile for BM.

    Hawkeye - This is strictly a nice-to-have talent, and again, you can't afford to drop Mortal Shots points for something nice-to-have.