2008 安省中学排名榜揭晓


2008 安省中学排名榜揭晓

菲莎研究所(The Fraser Institute) 昨天推出全省中学排名榜,位于香港的加拿大国际学校与St. Michael's Choir,St Michael,Canadian School of India 中学获满分10分,高踞榜首。 该排名榜评核了安省70个教育局属下的725间中学,全省平均积分6.2分。详情可在菲莎研究所 网站浏览报告 The Fraser Institute

Ontario’s top-ranked secondary schools - 2008
Rank School Name........................City .....................rating
1 St Michael's Choir......................... Toronto................ 10.0
1 St Michael ....................................Kemptville............. 10.0
1 Canadian Int'l School of Hong Kong Hong Kong ...........10.0
1 Canadian School of India ...............Bangalore .............10.0
5 Pierre Elliott Trudeau .....................Markham ................9.8
6 Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts Toronto ...............9.6
7 London Central .............................London..................9.5
7 Marie-Rivier ..................................Kingston ................9.5
9 L'Escale ........................................Rockland ...............9.4
10 Glenforest ..................................Mississauga ............9.3
10 Jeunes sans frontières .................Brampton ..............9.3
12 Lisgar ........................................Ottawa ...................9.2
12 Aldershot ...................................Burlington ..............9.2
14 St Augustine ..............................Markham ................9.1
14 Bayview .....................................Richmond Hill ..........9.1
14 St Robert ...................................Thornhill ................9.1
17 Unionville ....................................Unionville ...............9.0
17 Lawrence Park .............................Toronto .................9.0
17 Chesley ......................................Chesley ..................9.0
20 Oakville Trafalgar ..........................Oakville .................8.9
20 Marymount ..................................Sudbury ................8.9
20 Brockville .....................................Brockville.............. 8.9
20 Lorne Park ..................................Mississauga ............8.9
20 Algonquin ...................................North Bay ..............8.9
20 Abbey Park ..................................Oakville .................8.9
20 Renaissance ................................Timmins .................8.9
27 St Therese of Lisieux ....................Richmond Hill .........8.8
27 North Toronto ..............................Toronto ................8.8
27 Richview .......................................Toronto ................8.8
27 Elmira ..........................................Elmira ...................8.8

此次评分主要是根据各校第9班学生的數学及语文读写测试成绩为标准。而报告作者之一的Peter Cowley特別提醒家长﹐当家长参考各校的评核结果时﹐必须以某校过去5年整体表现为鉴﹐而非单一偏重某一年的表现。(全份报告內容可登入菲莎研究所网 址www.fraserinstitute.org浏览)
thanks, S & N
Top 3 school in ottawa:
12 Lisgar 9.2
31 Early of March 8.7
34 West Carleton 8.6
I was told that Lisgar is a very good school and West Carleton is not a good school.
At least not as good as Lisgar. Based on 过去5年整体表现, they are both 8.6 and ranked with 24.
It seems Lisgar is not as good as people think and
West Carleton is not as bad as people think.

Lisgar has a very good reputation with many famous people graduation, West Carleton is a new star in recently. It is hard to say if you just compare the marks.
It depends. If your teens are very active and sociable, Lisga provides excellent chances. If they are very strong in Math there are chances in Lisga, to win the awards. At the same time, the students in West-Carleton should also have the same chance for those Math tests. However, we do not know if that is true yet.

A good school becomes good because the sources of students are good. West-Carleton is in rank rising. Part of the reason is that some students from Morgants Grant join this school.

For the students living in Kanata, Lisgar means more than two hours on bus everyday. Even for the gifted program, the lost seems too much.
From Kanata ton Lisgar is too far, wast a lot of time for a high school student. Anyone would like to have some clubs, such as match, debating .......parent volunteer teaching, the kids organize them.