渥太华2008迎奥运华人网球赛 已经接近尾声, 男子, 男子第三名和女子决赛将在7月20日举行, 第一场比赛早上8点开始.
Time: 8am
Date: July 20, Sunday
Court: Grenfell tennis court
Chair Umpire: Su Jiang
Line Judges: Zhang Dong & Yuan Fengjie
Direction: From Woodroffe, take south direction, after you pass Hunt Club, Slack Ave., you will see a street called: Grenfell on your left side before the end of trees. Turn left on Grenfell, at the first stop sign turn left again, you will soon see two courts in the trees.
网名为OUREAL的朋友, 你打赌说我们的赛事将无疾而终, 你输了, 所以请带上$15现金来现场, 你愿意, 可以把$15贡献给我们最终的男子或女子冠军.
Time: 8am
Date: July 20, Sunday
Court: Grenfell tennis court
Chair Umpire: Su Jiang
Line Judges: Zhang Dong & Yuan Fengjie
Direction: From Woodroffe, take south direction, after you pass Hunt Club, Slack Ave., you will see a street called: Grenfell on your left side before the end of trees. Turn left on Grenfell, at the first stop sign turn left again, you will soon see two courts in the trees.
网名为OUREAL的朋友, 你打赌说我们的赛事将无疾而终, 你输了, 所以请带上$15现金来现场, 你愿意, 可以把$15贡献给我们最终的男子或女子冠军.