
The most important thing. The game is on. China already won.

All leaders from the world are there except the lonely Harper.

Sometimes, we do not need to yell to the world how good we are. Simply, look at happy faces you see from the screen, you know China has already gained the fellowship from her friends and conquered her enemies.

Long life our great motherland.
All leaders from the world are there except the lonely Harper.

Sometimes, we do not need to yell to the world how good we are. Simply, look at happy faces you see from the screen, you know China has already gained the fellowship from her friends and conquered its enemies easily.

Long life our great motherland.


CBC: "A stunning ceremony." Fair enough.

All leaders from the world are there except the lonely Harper.

Sometimes, we do not need to yell to the world how good we are. Simply, look at happy faces you see from the screen, you know China has already gained the fellowship from her friends and conquered her enemies.

Long life our great motherland.


所以我说" 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山"-- CBC的指责也好,无中生事也好,说到底都是酸葡萄,是白人骨子里的傲慢和偏见。


我只是在发表自己的看法。 听说最近在中国某个地方,有位妇女只是因为没带身份证而被拒在商店门外,她就抱怨了奥运会几句,结果马上被抓了起来,最后交了几千元钱,放出来了。这种感觉就好像又回到了文化大革命时代一样,那个时候是谁说一句毛主席的坏话,谁就会遭殃。。。



别说“听说”来的故事,今年BBC, CNN, CBC, Global and MaiL 关于中国不实的报道还少吗?对于祖国有“深厚的感情“的你,怎么跟他们一个做风呢???



心里话你就不用给我说了,我没兴趣。至于我有没有"危险",也不用你费心,it is not your business.
同意。解说没有水平就不说了,运动员开始入场以后, 解说就说,他们一直都在看,都在找,有没有什么运动员会突然抽出藏独的旗子。无聊
All leaders from the world are there except the lonely Harper.

Sometimes, we do not need to yell to the world how good we are. Simply, look at happy faces you see from the screen, you know China has already gained the fellowship from her friends and conquered her enemies.

Long life our great motherland.