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中文网络论坛 2008-08-08 22:16:00就在开幕式开始几分钟后,西方通讯社及网络媒体已经纷纷发出电讯。美东时间8点20分(北京时间 20点20分)路透社的FACTBOX详细介绍了开幕式盛况,特别提到表演中唱出的孔子名言“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”("Friends have come from afar, how happy we are")。法新社的英文电讯稿也匆匆出炉,其中居然有拼写错误,把achievement(成就)这个单词写成了acheivement,不亦快哉!
也许我们没有必要去一一解读西方媒体报道的具体内容,只要看看他们在报道中所用的形容词就可以看出端倪。一个出现频率最多的形容词是Spectacular(壮观的),比如法新社的报道题为Beijing's Games kick off with spectacular opening ceremony(北京会以壮观的开幕式起步);英国星期日镜报(Sunday Mirror)的网站报道标题与法新社几乎一模一样,只是词序有所不同,把spectacular放在了首位:Spectacular opening ceremony kicks off Beijing Olympic Games。有的媒体嫌spectacular不够传意思以使用了另外的形容词。路透社使用的形容词是dramatic(充满戏剧性的):The Beijing Olympic Games started on Friday with a dramatic opening ceremony(北京会周五以一个充满戏剧性的开幕式开始)。《华盛顿邮报》网站的报道标题是Extravagant Ceremony Opens 2008 Olympic Games,把spectacular换成了extravagant。这个extravagant固然有“奢侈”乃至“浪费”的意味,但是在这个时刻读来给人的印象更多的是不可逾越的境界。《堪培拉时报》的报道认为“the world may never witness a ceremony of the magnitude andingenuity as that which opens the 2008 Olympics”(世界也许永远不能再见到一个达到2008会开幕式这样的量级和创意的典礼),这则报道的标题是“Beijing 08: A perfect opening”(北京08:完美的开幕),使用了perfect(完美的)这个西方人在谈论时从来说不出口的单词。还有一个形容词出现的频率更高,不仅出现在新闻标题内,也出现在文内;不仅用来描述对开幕式的整体印象,也用来描述各个环节的表演。这个词是:stunning,令人目瞪口呆的,简言之:雷到了。CNN的同一篇报道两次使用了stunning,以这一句开头“China opened the 29th Olympic Games on Friday with stunning fireworks”(周五以令人目瞪口呆的焰火为会开幕),以这一句结尾:It was a stunning beginning from the nation of 1.3 billion people(这是这个有13亿人口国家令人震撼的开始)。还有一个与stunning的词义相仿的形容词dazzling(目眩)也是各媒体在描述开幕式时代常用词。开幕式海外讯号的两位解说员在开幕式结束时情不自禁的发出了这样的感慨:Haha, what can you say, what can you add, a fantastic opening ceremony(哈哈,你还能说什么,你还能补充什么,一场精彩的开幕式)!
在这样让人感到震耳欲聋、眼花缭乱的辞藻中,法新社却用到了quiet(安静)这个形容词,而且在quiet前加上了一个副词unusually(不同寻常地),这是用来描述开幕式过程中北京的街头:The streets were unusually quiet……(街头不同寻常地安静)。
《澳大利亚人》(The Australian)报说得好:“子曰,让运动会开始吧!(Confucius says: let the Games begin)”。

Reuters: World media hails Beijing's perfect night

World media hails Beijing's perfect night

Fri Aug 8, 2008 1:44pm EDT

By John Ruwitch

BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing's Olympic opening extravaganza drew rave reviews on Friday from media around the world awed by rich displays of Chinese culture that eclipsed controversy that has surrounded the city's hosting of the Games.

"An eight became a perfect 10 in Beijing tonight," the website of the Sydney Morning Herald declared. With eight the luckiest number according to Chinese, it was no coincidence the Games started on August 8 at exactly 8 p.m.

"The world may never witness a ceremony of the magnitude and ingenuity as that which opens the 2008 Olympics," it said.

A spectacle of sight and sound, the ceremony featured colorful dances, tightly choreographed drumming and barrages of fireworks up and down city streets.

London's widely read Evening Standard ran the headline: "China Magic," and said the "most ambitious Olympics in history opens with most spectacular show."

"For China, before a TV audience of 4 billion, this was the luckiest moment in a thousand years. It is, too, the start of something even bigger than an Olympic Games. It is, or at least is meant to be, the beginning of China's new era of greatness, witnessed and implicitly approved, by much of the leadership of the planet," wrote Andrew Gilligan from Beijing.

"Marvelous. Too Marvelous," gushed Italy's Leonardo Coen on the website of the Rome-based daily La Repubblica (La Repubblica.it ).
For some, the show drew attention to China's strengths and the Olympic sports after a politically charged run-up to the Games that saw protests and accounts of human rights abuses grabbed headlines.

"'Friends who come from far, how happy we are to have you here,' was the message of greeting to the world, even the part of the world China has had harsh criticism from," wrote Elio Girompini, a correspondent with Italy's top daily Corriere della Sera).
"And in a stroke it made the latest polemics about Bush's words on human rights slide away."

German state broadcaster ARD said the Chinese organizing committee had been trying to produce compelling pictures for television viewers.
"Because in the run-up it was often not the great sporting event that dominated the news flow but the political situation in the host nation," ARD wrote on its website.

Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung said the ceremony celebrated "not the economic giant growing to threatening size but a nation with an ancient culture, fascinating sounds and traditional pictures.
"Not the shocking severity of the dictatorship but what a strictly organized country can achieve if it puts in infinite effort," it said on the website Aktuell - FAZ.NET.

To the Los Angeles Times, the show, directed by Chinese film maker Zhang Yimou, was not a welcoming ceremony for a resurgent China rejoining the world stage.

Rather, it was "about China for at least the next 17 days becoming the world stage. The Chinese, accustomed to humiliation, real and perceived, by foreigners for centuries, are secure enough these days that they were willing, even eager, to share the spotlight."

World media hails Beijing's perfect night | Entertainment | Industry | Reuters
heehee :p
china is to be looked up to, by the world...

job well done, as always.:)
这是用来描述开幕式过程中北京的街头:The streets were unusually quiet……(街头不同寻常地安静)

我没觉得这句有什么不妥, 90年亚运会开幕式的时候我在北京街上骑车, 当时就这感觉, 以为是做梦呢, 安静得不真实。
我没觉得这句有什么不妥, 90年亚运会开幕式的时候我在北京街上骑车, 当时就这感觉, 以为是做梦呢, 安静得不真实。

Right. The original text does not mean that it was 不妥 to say that way, I think.