Underage issue?


Again, one more disputable issue comes up, "underage".
I don't know what kind of advantage it is if "underaged" athlet compete with
"adult" athlet.

This disputable issue is partly from jealousy.

IOC refuses to doubt China's kid gymnasts - Selena Roberts - SI.com

IOC turns blind eye to controversy over China's kiddie gymnasts

Story Highlights
  • China swore on its stars' passport stamps that its gymnasts are the legal age of 16
  • The IOC is reluctant to offend the host country by investigating suspicions
  • With Kool-Aid running through their veins, the Chinese kids were unflappable





China's gold-medal winners (from left) Cheng Fei, Yang Yilin, Li Shanshan, He Kexin, Jiang Yuyuan and Deng Linlin look like they're closer to 14 than 16.


BEIJING -- The Chinese gymnasts could have picked out their leotards from Thumbelina's closet as they performed gymnastics in miniature on Wednesday. Wearing blue eye shadow with their hair pulled back, He Kexin, Jiang Yuyuan and Yang Yilin looked like girls who had just rummaged through their mothers' makeup. This was a ladies' final, though somehow it was hard to see how they qualified as women.
Amid pre-Olympic hand-wringing over why the birthdates of He, Yank and Jiang didn't jibe with other registration materials that showed they might be as young as 14, China swore on its stars' passport stamps that the tots are the legal tumbling age of 16. But while the tiny trio helped their nation whisk the gold medal away from a suddenly clumsy U.S. group in the team competition, it was impossible to deny the visual evidence of something unjust in China.
Just take a peek at the big lugs who stood next to the Chinese team. The U.S. squad is filled with women who are short to be sure, but with a curve to their bodies, muscle on their bones and driver's licenses in their wallets. This is gymnastics, so truth in aging is often blurred by a brutal sport laden with underdeveloped teens. With that context, did little He look sweet 16 in the eyes of other competitors?
"No, but then I don't look 20," said Alicia Sacramone, who did not make excuses after she fell flat while mounting the balance beam. With the U.S. just one point behind China heading into the last rotation, Sacramone ended up on her backside during the floor exercise. It was a mistake that effectively put gold out of reach and delivered a consolation silver to the U.S. "It was my fault," she said.
Blame-shifting is easier for others. While Sacramone revealed grace, U.S. coach Martha Karolyi revealed her doubts, feeding the age conspiracy issue by saying, "I have no clue [if they are 16]. I cannot make that call ... It could be true. One little girl has a missing tooth."
This dental obsession must be a Karolyi family trait. Her husband, Bela, made a similar assessment last week before the competition began, bellowing, "Look in their mouths. It's like itty bitty teeth."
The investigation into the mouths of babes has been far from intensive. Basically the international gymnastics federation agrees with the birth date evidence provided by Chinese officials. And that is that. The Olympic caretaker of fairness, the IOC, has stayed largely out of the debate, with its members ever cautious not to offend host China. They see blue skies when others see pollution. They distanced themselves from Olympian Joey Cheek when his visa was revoked. They don't dare rattle sponsors who crave the consumer love of 1.3 billion people.
This brushfire is not politics, though the IOC has acted as if it is. The age suspicion is a field of play issue. Any violation of the age requirements is an act of cheating, an issue that the IOC has always cared deeply about, particularly when it comes to doping.
"[Age] is a bigger problem than doping," Bela Karolyi said. "I think it's more cheating than doping. To look in the eye of everybody and to show up with a team underage? My god, it's not good."
No amount of Bela-aching is likely to alter the outcome. The last time IOC president Jacques Rogge meddled with the medals was at the Salt Lake City Winter Games in 2002. In a rush to soothe North American audiences who, along with NBC commentators, went crackers when the beautiful Canadians lost the pairs skating gold to the Russians amid the French judge scandal, Rogge allowed a duplicate gold, bending to public rage. Never mind that the Canadians performed an inferior program to the Russians.
So do not expect a peep out of the IOC this time, no matter how angered American fans might be. If Rogge & Co. were ever going to stick their noses in this delicate case, it should have been last month when The New York Times raised the contradictory age calculations for the Chinese gymnasts.
"It's not an even playing field," Martha Karolyi said. She understands that China was the better team in the finals. She knows the U.S. sabotaged itself with missteps. But she is right. Age has a lot to do with what's level in gymnastic competitions. There is a mental advantage for youngsters who are clueless about pressure, unaware of what wobbles the burden to win can create. Maybe that was Sacramone's problem. She is a veteran at 20 -- ready for bingo in gymnastic years -- and old enough to know what one flawed moment can mean in a team competition. Halfway through the team finals, she came unglued. "My nerves got the better of me," she said.
The young seem immune to meltdowns. With Kool-Aid running through their veins, China's gymnasts were unflappable -- especially He in the uneven bars. What an edge she had at 4-foot-8 and 73 pounds, flitting through the uneven bars with jaw-dropping release moves, light as a dragonfly. The judges adored He, whatever her age.
"I don't want to make a comment on that," said Liang Chow, the coach of American Shawn Johnson. "I believe the officials will deal with it. I'll leave it at that."
Gymnastics officials have dealt with it -- approving the age of China's gymnasts based on China-issued papers. The IOC blindly bought into this resolution, unconditionally devoted to China, seeing no need to doubt its flying Thumbelinas.
They can argue that 14 year olds can handle stress better than the 16 or 18 year olds, simply they can concentrate better than the grown ups. However, the 18 yr olds are far more experienced than the 14 yr olds. Therefore, I think those who cried about the underage issue are simply the sour grapes.

You need everything to win the gold medal and the American was right behind the Chinese last night after the uneven bar and they have the chance to pass the Chinese on the beam if they can perform at their normal standard, unfortunately, they failed and failed again at the floor exercises. Then, this is not an issue of underage, it is simply who performs better gets the GOLD.
I don't know what the minimum age requirement of applying for ID now in China. However it is very risky for decision maker to underestimate the impact if there is anything proven.

IOC requires 16 years old. We can not say 14 years old is not an issue. Rule is rule, be careful.


在国家队集训,队员的平时训练津贴和比赛奖金一般都是由教练保管的,一是因为江钰源这些队员未成年,办不了身份证和银行卡,二是年龄太小教练怕这些队员 乱花钱。江钰源是个平时训练爱耍些小聪明,偷些小懒的队员,江涛告诉记者,要让江钰源认真训练的办法只有一个,不是口头言语上的批评,也不是身体上的体 罚,而是威胁她扣钱。“其他办法都不管用的,只要教练说你不好好训练就扣你奖金,她就老实了。”江涛告诉记者。
They can argue that 14 year olds can handle stress better than the 16 or 18 year olds, simply they can concentrate better than the grown ups. However, the 18 yr olds are far more experienced than the 14 yr olds. Therefore, I think those who cried about the underage issue are simply the sour grapes.

You need everything to win the gold medal and the American was right behind the Chinese last night after the uneven bar and they have the chance to pass the Chinese on the beam if they can perform at their normal standard, unfortunately, they failed and failed again at the floor exercises. Then, this is not an issue of underage, it is simply who performs better gets the GOLD.

To ert0000:
I don't have 身份证 until I was 18...

and also most of Canadian would like to say I am just 20s, in fact I am already in my 30s.

I don't think we need to worry about these comments. They just need something to talk about China



中国体操队将是北京奥运会上的重点夺金项目,但是美联社今天撰文《参加奥运会的中国体操选手是不是太年轻了点?》(Are Chinese gymnasts too young for Olympics?)对于中国运动员的年龄提出了质疑,他们认为中国体操队一些队员的年龄低于规定的参加奥运会的最低16岁标准,这其中包括一些有实力夺 冠的队员。

有许多的记录和报道表明,中国体操队高低杠选手何可欣和江钰源的年龄是低于16岁的,但是她们两人在 本周却同时入选了中国代表团。成都体育局官方网站2006年1月份的一份文件表明,何可欣是1994年1月1日出生的。在5月23日出版的《China Daily 》一篇报道说,她今年刚刚14岁,"这位14岁的队员是在去年进入国家队进行训练的,但是在过去的几个月里她已经吸引了足够的目光。"
《纽 约时报》在上周六撰文提出了运动员参赛的年龄问题,中国官方向这家报纸提供的护照复印件显示她们今年都是16岁。但是中国体育总局局长刘鹏在2007年 11月3日的一次讲话说,13岁的高低杠选手何可欣,虽然仅仅在世锦赛上获得了铜牌,但是已经显示出了她过人的天赋。但是根据中国官方的规定,参加城运会 的队员必须是13岁以上15岁以下。

根据《纽约时报》的报道,国际体操联合会在5月份已经要求中国方面对于队员年龄的问 题进行一个说明,"我们听说了这种传言,所以我们第一时间向中国体操协会发出了通知,他们也很快就给了我们一些证件的复印件,一切都是很正常的,这也是我 们所能做的。"国际体操联合会秘书长安德列说,"如果没有一个官方的申诉,那么只要证件表现一切没有问题,那么我们也就没有理由去调查。"


“好运北京”2007年体操国际邀请赛今天产生了首枚金牌,中国选手江钰源获得了女子个人全能冠军,这也是国家体育馆落 成后的第一枚金牌,赛后,这个只有15岁的小姑娘激动地说:“好开心!真没想到第一块金牌就被我拿了。”明年的北京奥运会,由于一姐程菲放弃了女子个人全 能的争夺,因此在动作难度上位于世界领先水平的江钰源,将担负起冲击女子个人全能奖牌的重任。

google 中华人民共和国居民身份证法,
you will find out.
I don't know what the minimum age requirement of applying for ID now in China. However it is very risky for decision maker to underestimate the impact if there is anything proven.

IOC requires 16 years old. We can not say 14 years old is not an issue. Rule is rule, be careful.


在国家队集训,队员的平时训练津贴和比赛奖金一般都是由教练保管的,一是因为江钰源这些队员未成年,办不了身份证和银行卡,二是年龄太小教练怕这些队员 乱花钱。江钰源是个平时训练爱耍些小聪明,偷些小懒的队员,江涛告诉记者,要让江钰源认真训练的办法只有一个,不是口头言语上的批评,也不是身体上的体 罚,而是威胁她扣钱。“其他办法都不管用的,只要教练说你不好好训练就扣你奖金,她就老实了。”江涛告诉记者。
where is the 官方网站? Give a link please

where is the 官方网站? Give a link please
